- 1.01.0
- This moment marks the end of suffering in your life. For whatever reason or circumstance, you can be certain that your divinity has lead you here, so that you may finally understand who you are and what your true purpose is in this world. You will no longer feel lost, or feel as though you are without love. It is your time to finally remember it all, as this memory is only forgotten and can be restored in an instant. May these words lead the way to your birthright and destiny so that you may fulfill your highest purpose, and remember the love that is at the core of your very being. Your journey begins now.
- 1.1
- As you move towards the I AM that is your destiny, you must make an effort to remember the pillars of strength within you that will cause you to stand firm when it appears as if the world is falling beneath your feet. Embodying divine love follows wisdom, and divine wisdom shapes your world into the Heaven it was always meant to become. You are never alone in your choices, as God always guides you towards the choice that serves your highest good. Make no mistake, free will may suggest the illusion that you may choose from the infinite number of possibilities that you have available at any given moment, however if you do not choose your highest path, then you do not choose love. And, if you do not choose love, you choose suffering.
- 1.2
- Once you consciously choose the path of love, an alchemical change happens where you begin to receive your life lessons in a more axiomatic fashion. At this point of awareness, it's important to remember that choices consciously made against love holds a more pragmatic, negative energetic assimilation. The reason for this, among other things, is because you are now consciously choosing against the nature of your own divinity, and choosing to create pain and suffering for yourself in full awareness that is against what God is asking of you. It is important upon this recognition to become self aware of the reasons why you wish yourself harm, and pull the snares from within your elysian cloak as these are the specific itineraries that are stopping you from connecting with your sacred nature, and are removable obstructions in the pathway of your divinity.
- 1.3
- Denying your divinity, in truth, is recognizing its there. You cannot deny something that does not exist. Fear causes us to deny our true nature, and originates in the ego. Your ego will do all in its power to continue to have control over your life and not allow your higher self to take the reigns, as it would mean its ultimate destruction and reconstruction. Because you alone created your ego and gave it the power to rule your life, you must instead learn to give the power of your existence to your divine self, in every moment. Because God is love, choosing love to rule your life is for your highest good. Do not fear the idle threats your ego displays during its reconstruction. When completely surrendering to your higher self, there is no pain, regardless of circumstance. Pain is
- resistance to your higher will. If you choose to walk the higher path with all of your being, your pain will cease, as it was never Gods choice for us to suffer. The choice to suffer has always been our own, by the discretion of the ego mind.
- 1.4
- Healing is the acknowledgement of your divinity. In doing so, you will recognize that your divinity has also acknowledged you, and within that acknowledgement is your true nature.
- 1.5
- Only the eternal can love, for love cannot die. As an eternal being, you cannot be sick, and you do not need to suffer. Understand that you are not alone, as you are one with everything and everyone. And, as God, you are immortal as divine love is eternal. It is important to recognize you are the only one here, and learn absolute accountability for all that happens in your world. When you learn how to recreate all thoughts back into its natural state of unconditional Love, this practice will become your salvation.
- 1.6
- You created your ego because you understood that following the instructions of your higher self has always been your purpose. The ego was created in lieu of God within, because you did not learn to communicate with in the way you were meant to. You needed a creation that you felt would follow your life's purpose and you revered your ego as God, attending to its needs as you instinctually knew you were meant to do for God. The ego is unbalanced in nature and would happily allow your body to die before surrendering itself to your divinity. The egos fear of your divinity is logical, because when the moment would arrive that you would recognize you were meant to follow your divinity instead of your ego, the ego creation would cease to exist in its role as your leader. The choice of following your higher self has always been your purpose. This is a fact your ego, in its diabolical nature, hides from you with deliberate ingenuity to maintain its rule over your life and to keep you in pain and suffering.
- 1.7
- You have not been forsaken, as God does not deny His children anything. You may believe that He has not answered your call, but the truth is, it is you who have not answered His, as He has called to you from every part of creation. This is why it is important to release your attachment of how you’d like to hear God speak to you. As God is all of creation, your answer may not come in the form your ego demands, but it will come.
- 1.8
- The denial of your higher self is the origin of pain and suffering, and it is you that will suffer in deprivation. Whatever you do to yourself, you do to God. Whatever you do to others, you do to God. If you allow the insanity of your ego to run your life, you are subjecting God to insanity. If you harm another, you are always harming yourself. All that comes from the highest plane of existence is Love. If it is negative and dark, it comes from the ego.
- 1.9
- What you perceive in others is what you perceive yourself to be. This is why judgment is a dam in the river of your divinity. In order to remember yourself as God, you must first see God in all that is around you. Every person is God, regardless of the false representations of what their ego suggests about their true nature. You must see the divinity within everyone in order for you to see it in yourself, as you are the only one here. All that surrounds you are your reflections, within every person and all of creation.
- 2.0
- If another person or situation causes discomfort within you, remember in that moment that you have been given a gift. Take that moment and discover what it is that's causing your discomfort until you heal it within yourself. Because you are unconditional love at the core of your being, anything other than love is the ego and can be healed.
- 2.1
- You cannot heal anger with anger. You can only heal with love. If you see insanity in another, you can heal them by seeing their sanity. If you wish to be filled with divine bliss, you must wish that for others. We are all one in the same. What you do for another, you always do for yourself. And, what you do for yourself, you do for God.
- 2.2
- If you accept another's inauthentic qualities, you are also accepting yours. Because God is unconditional love and you are God, accepting inauthentic qualities is blasphemous and creates separation. If you learn to see only the love in everything, you in turn will only see the love within yourself. It is in this way that you become Love. By becoming Love, you remember who you truly are.
- 2.3
- Each person is God and is of equal importance, regardless of condition or circumstance. As God, each person has the free will to create his or her world as he or she desire. The ego is the creation that affects the purity of mans choices, and is what causes pain and suffering. Because the ego creation is an illusion and only love is real, it is important to take heed not to fall into the blasphemy of refusing to accept creation as love. It is
- blasphemous to perceive suffering anywhere, as that would be the belief in the illusion of the ego, as God only knows you as joy. Pay special attention to what the egos illusion is in order to keep you in suffering and what the answer is coming from unconditional love. The truth will always come from the purest part of you, therefore you must work to purify if you are to understand the truth.
- 2.4
- Unconditionally loving others is the same as unconditionally loving yourself. Both loving others and loving yourself will create a circular healing that shall resonate to the core of creation. Remember that time and eternity contradict each other. Therefore, within the higher realms of existence, only one can be real. If you accept timelessness as truth, you may begin to understand eternity and make it your own, as love is eternal and you are love.
- 2.5
- Contradiction is a way of demonstrating that one of two viewpoints is not real. God and the ego are diametrically opposed, therefore one infrastructure is a lie. If we examine the evidence carefully, we can see that the ego is made up of false belief systems and inauthentic qualities in order for it to function in a dysfunctional manner. God is unconditional love. You cannot serve two masters, and as long as you choose the ego as your leader, you choose pain.
- 2.6
- Do not fool yourself into believing that you do not serve the ego as a slave would. By choosing God, the same servitude you grant your ego would instead be given to your higher self. With that choice, your life would reflect the grace and light that exists in that consciousness. The fear of serving God comes from the egos fanatic demand of not wanting anyone to tell it what to do, so that it may keep a foothold on its self- preservation. Instinctually it knows it was created in lieu of God, and does not wish to surrender itself to the real Father of creation. God allows the ego because living in the illusion of the ego is a choice, as He does not deny His children anything, just as He does not deny Himself.
- 2.7
- As you come closer to the Light of God, you will feel the disparities burned from your being and clearly see the truth in the light. In this way, we can see why we can only choose to obey our higher selves, and that it has been our destiny from the beginning. Believing otherwise is merely allowing your egos desire for self-preservation.
- 2.8
- You are the only one here, all that surrounds you is your reflection. If you see the worst in people, you are seeing the worst in yourself. If you are judgmental towards yourself, you will condemn others. If you treat others with anger, you are angry with yourself and angry with God, who is you. It is all connected as one because we are all one with each other. Purification must go deeper than words, thoughts and deeds. You must surrender with all of your being to becoming unconditional love, in every moment. It is the challenge that God has given to you. You must see these opportunities as gifts to dispel everything that is not love out of your consciousness forever, as many inauthentic qualities stay hidden and dormant until a situation or circumstance brings them to light.
- 2.9
- The universe delivers lessons in the softest way that you can hear the message and not greater than. If your messages feel loud and overwhelming, it is because the universe has been sending you lessons for a long while without your acknowledgement or action to solve the issue, and with each effort, the message is delivered with greater intensity in hopes that you will receive the gift of the lesson. The messages will continue to arrive, as you are meant to follow the path to your higher self in order to remember your divinity. This path leads to divine bliss, joy and happiness. As many fear this truth because of their deep desire to experience the love they crave and the belief that it will never come, the way to surrender to your higher choices and meet these challenges is with joy in your heart, and by having the faith that the Love that you so intensely desire is waiting for you.
- 3.0
- The journey of pain was not meant for Gods children. That is the path of the ego alone and is not known in the realm of divinity. When you see darkness and walk with dark illusions, you are denying the light. Do not be tempted by dark comforts, as these illusions are only providing the false promise of relief. Real comfort comes from the light alone and will never occur in darkness. Peace, truth and real love await those who have the courage to claim it as their own and know they must walk the path of light to receive its blessings and all it has to offer. Know with complete faith that you can walk this path if you choose to do so. Remember, free will's function is to choose God in order to remember your divinity. It was never designed for you to choose pain and to suffer.
- 3.1
- Do not blame others for your deprivation. Only you can deprive yourself of anything. If you are blaming others, it is because you are already blaming yourself. As blame is the egos doing, it must be healed and the tendency must be re-parented. As long as there is blame, there is an attack on God. If you blame your brothers, you blame yourself and because you are God, you are also attacking God. The attack has a circular effect on creation, as we are all unified. There is not a single action that is separate.
- 3.2
- Once energy is made into form, it cannot be undone. Therefore releasing the energy, offering it up to your higher self and healing the tendency so it will not reoccur is the appropriate action.
- 3.3
- Self-blame is as potent of an ego defense as the attack of your brothers. In order to walk into the throne room of your highest self, you must cease the ongoing war that your ego has against your divinity. Declare peace, and walk into Gods presence unshackled. Prepare the temple of yourself as if you were expecting an important guest into your home. Dust all of the surfaces, clean out the clutter and fill the home with welcoming joy and anticipation. At one point you will realize your guest has always been there, as this important person that you’ve been waiting your entire life for has always been you, as divine love.
- 3.4
- You must unbind yourself from all that is not love because it is these bindings that cause the false belief that your freedom is not possible. Understand that it is your refusal to enter, and not God blocking the way to Him. God will not refuse entry to anyone. Jesus taught us that I am the open door that no man can shut. The way to Him has always been open. The only limitations in the journey to God are the ones you put upon yourself.
- 3.5
- When looking upon the infrastructure of the ego, you must be gentle with yourself to see the truth shine through. Walk softly through the perimeters of your mind and love yourself as God loves you. Do not fear the truth, as it will lead you to the path of freedom and light. If there is pain, there is resistance. If there is resistance, it is your ego fighting for survival. Take care to not allow your ego to cause you more suffering than it already has. Your ego is a creation that you made before you began to realize who you truly are, and like any story that you make up for yourself, your egos is not real. Do not get lost in the Maya of illusion. See your egos illusion for what it is and free yourself.
- 3.6
- Freedom can come in an instant. Do not believe the egos lies that you must do an infinite number of things before you are worthy of walking this earth unbound. The ego is telling you this for its own desire of self-preservation. What your ego is not sharing with you is the benefits you will receive by walking the path of God are far greater than anything your ego has offered to you in its campaign to continue the rule over your existence. God has placed any dream that you have ever wished for in your heart and He wishes to deny you nothing. You have nothing to fear in walking forward towards your destiny as God.
- You must only have the faith, willingness and obedience to do so. Why not do so now, in this very instant? It is yours now as it has always been, and will be forever.
- 3.7
- All is redeemable and all is forgivable. There is not a single deed or action committed on this planet that will not be so. Fear not your retribution as God does not assign and implement that task. You have long been making yourself pay for your wrong doings, which was an effort wasted and unnecessary. God’s intention for you was never to cause needless suffering.
- 3.8
- Forgiveness is your greatest gift and asset, and is your tool for salvation. As you forgive yourself, you will forgive others. If you are to walk as God, you must become unconditional love. Release the conditions you have placed upon yourself by withholding forgiveness. As you love everything and everyone, forgiveness will no longer be a separate action. It will just be. You will have no need to forgive because you would never have condemned to begin with. God does not forgive because he does not condemn. God only loves. Forgiveness is a creation of the ego in an attempt to undo the tangled barbs of inauthenticity that has caused pain and torment.
- 3.9
- Hiding from your illusions is your way of keeping them alive and functioning. The ego feels if you do not look, you will not see the lies that are hiding out in plain sight. By looking closely at your illusions, you are removing what is standing in the way of knowledge. The reason you do this is because of fear. Because you know that fear is not real, you understand that facing illusions is the only way to dispel them. If you are to deny the reality of fear, how fear effects you will dissipate.
- Fear does not extend past itself, it only blocks you from specific actions based on expectation. Anything that does not extend past itself does not hold a place in reality. Fear originates from the illusion of feeling separate from God. If you did not feel separate, you would not feel fear, as uniting with your Beloved means living in Love and truth. It is impossible to feel alone with this understanding, as you are connected to everything and everyone, all of the time. The origin of fear started there, in the belief that you were separate. As you move into the understanding that your separation is not real, you in turn can dismiss fear at the root of its origin and heal the wounds attached thereafter.
- 4.0
- Suffering exists due to the dichotomy of Gods will and the will of your ego. Following the whims of an unstable creation can only lead to pain. Because you created the ego to replace the guidance and Love of God, you grow to realize that the ego does not properly function in the hopes of how you created it to begin with. It is not possible for the ego to
- love. During the moments of your life when you were acting irrationally, did you not have a time when you realized your inappropriate behavior and in an instant changed past conception of events? This happens because the ego runs on the story you tell yourself and not in true reality. As you change your beliefs, your past changes. This is because your past is not real. The past was created while living in illusion. Truth only occurs within the present moment.
- 4.1
- Because of Gods willingness to share all of creation with you, His need for you is as great as your need for Him. Your creative foundation is the active function of God within you and will not act without Him. Your life belongs to your higher self and your partnership with God will always exist, regardless of belief or circumstance.
- 4.2
- The egos existence relies on your belief that you are separate from your divinity. However, if the ego attacks, it is based on the pain of separation. This is the dichotomy that is the cause of much needless grief and torment. Choosing to walk as unconditional love is the purpose of our existence and should be welcomed with open arms and with a feeling of pleasance.
- 4.3
- There is awareness within the ego that its dream of autonomy is not what was intended of you and your life on this planet. Its greatest fear is that you will remember who you are so that it will cease to have control over your life. Only God has full autonomy, with you in collaboration with Him. It is impossible that the ego could ever accomplish its independence, a fact that the ego will deny. God’s intention for you in this life was for you to remember who you are as a divine being, and Gods Will cannot be defeated. Happiness cannot happen outside of your collaboration with God, it happens as a result.
- 4.4
- Take special care not to give noesis to false ego beliefs. If you believe your onslaught upon another had power, you are giving power to a falsehood and allowing the ego control over your true nature. The goal is to function in collaboration and servitude of your highest self, and to dispel the Maya of the ego.
- 4.5
- If you feel fear in the pursuance of your destiny as you begin to remember yourself as God, take comfort in the truth that the egos voice is fear itself, and does not hold a place in your merging with the divine. The egos greatest trick is mimicking the voice of God, so take heed to always be in the asking from a place of unconditional love. By doing so, you will have the ability to see the tricks of the ego and will be able to bypass its fear
- altogether, so long as you do so with complete surrender and devotion. If you do not, your ego will take control. Remember, fear does not truly exist on the highest planes of creation and only love is real.
- 4.6
- The egos focus is on judgment and error of all things. What you perceive is what you become. If you perceive only the errors in your creation outside of yourself, you will perceive only the errors within, and in turn, you will become those errors. Your role as a creator and God is how this manifests into your reality. This is why whatever you believe you are, you become. It is also why the ones who believe in their dreams with complete faith and devotion become those dreams with ease, grace and flow.
- 4.7
- The Holy Spirit accepts. It is the nature of unconditional love. You learn to accept unity and move away from the illusion of separation by personifying love. You cannot be one with the divine by analyzing and perceiving errors in the world. Real knowledge will come upon ceasing judgment upon all things. In this capacity, you will begin to understand the futility of such actions and how judgment only blocks true wisdom and insight. This is why our egos perception is the opposite of God consciousness. True wisdom can only come from the highest part of yourself, not in the egos belief that separation is salvation and that concordance is a threat.
- 4.8
- It's important to look closely at how the ego views errors. When the ego’s illusionary world ceases to make logical sense, it will create lies to continue to support its infrastructure. Because the lies created can become discovered, information will be ignored and hidden. This is how the ego creates its reality from errors, by making truth into falsehoods. This is the requirement to continue its malfunction.
- 4.9
- If you decide for yourself that you are willing to see the answer, then the answer you shall receive. If you decide that you desire the problem, then that is what you shall become, as what you place your focus on is what you will transubstantiate into. Hold on to the vision of Love and truth with all of your being, and it shall be yours.
- 5.0
- While its true that what you see you believe, if you do not see it, you will not believe it. If all that you see when you walk out your front door is litter, it is difficult to appreciate the beauty that the world has to offer. Unless you take the time to pick up the litter that clouds your view of the world, how will you ever appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature? The same is true of your inauthentic qualities. Unless you take the time to clean
- out the inauthenticity from your being, you will never be able to appreciate the purity of what God has to offer. You must arrive to the throne room of God purified and without burden.
- 5.1
- The resurrection symbolizes your rebirth from the pain and suffering that you've experienced through your ego, and your union with God. It is by His grace that the unburdening of your pain and torment may come to an end, but you must do so willingly. This is the correct use of free will. So, which will you choose, your resurrection or your crucifixion? As the ego crucifies your life, God is offering you incomprehensible bliss and love through the promise of your resurrection.
- 5.2
- Many fear unconditional love because of the healing power it embodies, as many equate healing to pain. Unconditional love has the power to burn away anything that is not love and heal the wounds of the ego. Remember that if you feel fear, it is your egos plea for survival. Do not mistake fear for truth.
- 5.3
- It is a mistake to say you've been asleep prior to your spiritual enfoldment, as that would suggest that God has not always been aware. You have always been God, including the moments before spiritual "awakening". To perceive Gods work, it must be done through you, so that you may realize what God has done in His partnership with you. Beware not to set limits on what God can do through you or you will only experience what God can do for you. This is an important discernment so that you may live as God, as opposed to perceiving God outside of self. Perception of God must originate from within. Redemption may only occur with your unity with God and not by seeing God as separate from yourself.
- 5.4
- Because Gods creation is the eternal, the perishable aspect of the world you see is the creation of the ego. Living in the ego blocks you from perceiving the world the divine created for you to experience. By remembering yourself as God, His world is completely perceivable so long as you wish only to experience unconditional love as truth. If you still wish to perceive the ego, Gods world will continue to elude your vision and will not become your reality.
- 5.5
- The ego is able to see the good in some things but never the purity of goodness. This is how the ego combines fantasy and truth. If you believe in both fantasy and truth, you will not be able to see the difference between the two. If you set your focus on unconditional love, the truth will be the only thing you see.
- 5.6
- Living in fear means being afraid of your brothers, being afraid of God and being afraid of yourself. Because we are all united and are all one, what you do to one, you do to all. You cannot be self-deprecating without disparaging God, and you cannot attack a brother without attacking yourself. We are all bound together. Let go of the attachment of your interpretation and judgment in favor of the reality and truth of divine love, and your fear will dissipate. Use the reality of love to dispel all fears.
- 5.7
- If you judge another for attacking you, whether or not this is true, you will still react as though you have been attacked. You become what you perceive. If you perceive errors, you will make a lie true for yourself. If you see only love in everything and everyone, love will become your consciousness. This is the easiest thing in the world because you do not need to do anything at all, you will just be.
- 5.8
- Do not fall into the trap of only adjusting the behavior and not healing the cause. Both must work in conjunction with each other in order to properly calibrate the change.
- 5.9
- There has been a tendency for brothers and sisters to develop arrogance when climbing the ladder of remembering their divinity. Because you are God, there is no room for arrogance. In feeling prideful and greater than others in your accomplishments, you are holding back your progress and sending the blasphemous message that God is arrogant. In this way, you are using the false perception of your own special ness to create separation. By judging others with arrogance, you are merely acknowledging the smallness within yourself. It is a gift to see this, so that you may seek within and heal the pain so that you may remember yourself as God. We must not judge others for where they are in their growth or see them as lesser than, for they are not. We are all exactly where we are meant to be and our perception should support the is-ness of all creations with Love. We are all God, regardless of what stage we are at in our growth. We must only see God and not see the errors of others progress, lest we create the errors within ourselves. Learn humbleness, and embrace all with equality and unity so that you may unite and remember yourself as Divine.
- 6.0
- If you are asked for help and you refuse, then you do not listen to or answer your own cries for help. It is important to always be in the asking so that you will heal what is causing your separation. Beware of asking the opinions of others and remember that their own personal investment will shape what they are telling themselves the truth is. Unless their opinion is coming from a place of unconditional love, their response will be tainted. If you are giving help, you are open to or desire help on one level or another. If you are seeing the pain or fear in others, you perceive it within yourself. Once you realize that attack is a call for Love, you are recognizing its true function. Understand that fear does not exist in who you truly are, and supply the function of Love to recreate and heal the clarity of perceptual vision in regards to your purest construct.
- 6.1
- Fears function is to conceal love. Once we remove it, what remains is truth. Because fear will argue its position, and love is an is-ness, it is up to you to remove the lie to see what is real. Fear is also the proof of an all-encompassing Love as the nature of fear is the affirmation of what it conceals. Without Love, fear would not exist because its primary function is to conceal Love. This is fears affirmation that Love is bigger than itself. Allow this to give you hope and faith that what you are removing will make room for something infinite and desirable, as it is your true essence that is begging to be revealed. Do not allow the illusion of fear block you from the truth of who you are and your destiny.
- 6.2
- Love is what heals you. If you love yourself, healing is possible. If you do not love yourself and are asking to heal, it will not find completion because the request of yourself is not pure and is invested in the perception of the egos lies that you are something other than love.
- 6.3
- Remembering who you are as God means living as God, not intellectualizing how life should be. There is a purification process that must occur on every level of your being. If your deeds of love do not match your thoughts, there is a discrepancy. Unloving thoughts have consequences to the one who thinks them. If your words and how you treat your physical bodies are not loving, how can you become the full representation of divinity and all it has to offer? Take special care to insure that you embody unconditional love purely. Remember that everyone you speak to is God and every person is you. If you are to be unconditionally loving to yourself, all of your inauthentic thoughts should fall away, since it would become obvious that by continuing this incorrect behavior you would be engaging in the pointless act of lying to yourself.
- 6.4
- Refusing to look at your nightmares is like a child refusing to look under the bed to see what lurks in the darkness. The fear may feel real because that is the lie you have told yourself, but the truth is, the fear has only been created to hide the pain of separation. If the child understood that he was unconditional love, he would have nothing to fear.
- Your nightmares are no different from a small child's. Your fear of looking closely at your illusions is nothing but a story you created for yourself as a guard to stand watch in the avoidance of pain. If you surrender to the truth that your illusion is not real, the pain will not exist and your illusion will be discredited easily. If you do not surrender, the pain and your fear will continue its grievance, as that is what it was created for.
- 6.5
- Anything that you invest in is where you feel your salvation resides. Examine closely what these motivations are and if they lead to true salvation. If true salvation means living in Christ consciousness, are your other motivations aligned with your redemption, or are they invested in the illusions and desires of the ego mind? Salvation resides in peace, and nothing more. Investing in the path of peace is the only answer to redemption.
- 6.6
- Depression and anger come from investing in the ego and feeling deprived. Because you are unconditional love at your core, this is how by following the ego instead of God slowly starves your true essence to death. If you are stubborn and insist that within your egos insanity lays true salvation, your life shall continue in misery and suffering. If you decide to recognize God as your reality, you will be given a life of indescribable bliss and beauty, because His life will be yours.
- 6.7
- If you feel as though there are forces at work against you, examine carefully what you have projected as a creator to cause this to happen. Every thought you have, conscious and non-conscious, impacts and forms the world around you. To penetrate the deeper layers of your being that does not show itself, you must always be in the asking and pull the thoughts that are not love out by their roots, so that they may never grow again inside of your mind. Because you are God, learn full accountability as the creator of your world. Do not fall into the trap of blaming outside forces. The only one here is you; there is no one else. Placing the blame outside of self is not living in truth. Be accountable, heal yourself, and recreate your world into the beautiful oasis it's meant to become.
- 6.8
- One of the mission statements of the ego to keep you invested in its leadership is for you to continue to look for the love that you seek outside of yourself. The ego knows you will never find the love that you truly crave in another person, so it recognizes its position is not in danger. It is impossible to find true satisfaction in loving another individual. The hunger for unconditional love can only be satiated with the self-discovery of the divine
- love within. This is a homing device for you to continue your search until you discover yourself as God. Take the journey into your own heart and live in joy.
- 6.9
- Weakness attacks because it knows it can be overcome. God has no need to attack, as unconditional love is eternal. If you create conflict, you have recognized a weakness within yourself. It is the false belief that attacks are effective that cause you to become vulnerable to assault.
- 7.0
- Until the day comes that you shift your perception into one that is not tainted by your limiting beliefs, all that you learn will be tainted as well. If your perception is not unburdened of all discordance, your ego will see what it wants you to see. Because the ego is illusory, if you're not coming from a place of unconditional love in every moment, you will not see the truth as you are meant to receive it. If you wish to learn something of value to you, do you not wish to seek out a teacher worthy of the value you placed upon your desire? The same can be said about which teacher you choose in discovering who you are in your divinity. Would you not aim to walk as God walks to achieve your goal?
- 7.1
- The miracles that can be achieved with God realization violates every rule the ego has created in order for you to be a part of its world. In this way, it can be seen that the ego creates limiting beliefs. If you could perceive the truth of what can occur in this world, leaving the confining laws of the ego would be made easier, which is why the egos explanations of miracles are not satisfactory.
- 7.2
- Do not fool yourself into believing that you can merge the egos desires with Christ consciousness. The mind will attempt to make the two goals into one, to satisfy the egos cries for attention and to do what your divinity is asking of you. This is to avoid growth and is the egos attempt to preserve its rule over you. Carefully separate the two so that you will not be tricked into mixing truth with illusion, which will only result in confusion.
- 7.3
- When making decisions, you look within for guidance and then you project your decision outward, forming it into action. This mechanism is important to understand because there are two places you look for guidance inside of yourself, which is the ego or your divinity. You are already asking the questions internally for guidance. All you need to do is ask the God within you instead of your ego. Because you cannot serve two masters, and you
- already serve your ego as a slave would, serving divine love instead of the illusion of the ego should come as a welcome relief.
- 7.4
- Because the ego cannot love, as any soulless creation, its end goal is to see your demise. Your ego does not care for you and would just as surely sacrifice you in order to assure its survival. It will allow you to live your entire life just to watch you die, so that it may be satisfied in its contempt for you. In the confusion that is the illusion of the ego, you may be fooled into thinking that it is you who hates yourself and wishes your demise. You are unconditional love, therefore this is merely a presentation of illusion. Because God does not deny His children anything, what you create, you shall receive. There is nothing to save you from when making the choice of self-hate and condemnation, other than yourself. You must, as God, become accountable and decide to save yourself so the help will come. Just as guilt binds you to the egos voice, the unraveling of guilt is the teaching of divine love. Do not allow guilt to be the factor that keeps you tethered to insanity.
- 7.5
- There is a belief within you that happiness and freedom will imprison you. If you did not feel this way, then you would not feel fear when dismantling the egos dishonesty. In this way it becomes apparent that you are protecting yourself from a false belief. This trepidation exists in the egos campaign for self-preservation and nothing more. Remember that fear is a creation of the ego to keep you imprisoned so it may continue to rule over your existence, and does not hold a place in the threshold of reality.
- 7.6
- Fears function is to protect you from love. Love is the most frightening thing out of all of creation to you because it is the only true power of the universe. Because Love is who you are in your purest form, it is the only thing you truly want. The pain comes from the separation you feel from Love, which is what fear protects you from. There is a false belief that you will never experience this Love, so you stay away out of the fear that the mere spark of hope for this Love will destroy you. This belief comes from the egos desire for separation. The pain and somaesthesia of your separation is so great that you would destroy yourself before facing its pain, but it is what you must do if you are to receive what you desire the most.
- 7.7
- It is far easier to accept an illusion of your own making than to accept the only reality in the universe. Living with a mind that jumps between choosing love and one that also chooses the ego will lead to fear, depression, confusion, anxiety and anger. God speaks to you while you are preoccupied with your illusion, but because illusion is all that you see, His voice falls upon deaf ears. This is when you feel very much alone as if God has forsaken you. This could never be possible as you are God, and you have been here the
- whole time. Discover the love that is inside of you by beginning the journey of falling in love with yourself. Falling in love with yourself is like falling in love with the whole world, and is a sure pathway to realizing yourself as God.
- 7.8
- In order for you to obtain true perception, all inauthentic qualities must be erased. You can no longer notice the errors in your brothers and sisters; you must only see the God within them and who they are within this moment. Judgments do not leave room for growth or change for yourself or others, as the illusion of judgment blinds true reality.
- 7.9
- Taking memories from the past to allow judgment to occur in the present will only act as a request for your ego to be in control. When walking as unconditional love, judgment does not exist, as it is a creation of the ego. The purpose of judgment is a protection from fear and the unhealed pain of lowered self worth. Judgment is an attack, and attack is a cry for love and healing. If you are living in the past with your judgments, you are unable to see the present and the reality of the world around you. You must come from the place of unconditional love to see the truth. Fear not that this will create ignorance in your perception of reality. There is only one true reality, and that is one that comes from the place of unconditional love. It is your judgments that create the dishonesty and the illusion in what you perceive.
- 8.0
- The past does not exist. The reason for this is because your ego creation is an illusion and your memory of the past is remembered through your illusion. If you are not looking through the eyes of unconditional love, you are not seeing reality. Illusions are like clouds of dust in front of the horizon. If you choose to kick up dust and live in a sand storm, you will not be able to see what direction you are going to find your way out. Use God as your compass and allow Him to bring you into the light. The reflections of yourself and your pain that can be seen in your brothers should be used as a way to heal your past. Because the past is not real, the pain created from your past must not be real as well.
- 8.1
- You sit within the very heart of God, therefore within you is all knowledge. Accessing this knowledge requires purification of every level of your being in order to see it clearly. All aspects of creation, although they appear different, are all one aspect. Just as together we are all one, we are all God, the rest of creation is also a part of you, as you are one with all of your surroundings. It is all the same. You are connected and one with everything. It is all creation; therefore it is all you as you are one with Creation itself.
- 8.2
- You cannot give away your soul because your soul is God and does not belong to you. It is your ego that wishes for you to believe that this is possible.
- 8.3
- The ego forbids any action that may lead you to God. Those who follow opposing actions leading away from God, feel guilty. This is when the ego will demand further punishment by creating condemnation, so that you will not feel worthy of Gods love, fooling you with dishonesty and confusing you from your true nature. The ego does not want you to remember who you are. The reward the ego offers for keeping faith in its leadership is pain, and leads you to believe that this is the truth of your existence. God offers only love because that's all He is.
- 8.4
- If you were to look at your entire past through the eyes of unconditional love, your entire history would change. Your past does not exist and has no rightful place in the present. This is part of what is meant when it is said that you are living in illusion.
- 8.5
- Your ego does not want you to look at your pain. It tricks you into looking the other way and to believe in illusion so that it may keep you as its prisoner. Then, you see the same pain you have within yourself in the people around you, not because they have your pain, but because they are a reflection of you, and they are merely showing you what you feel about yourself. Once your pain is healed, you begin to see people for who they really are instead of through your illusion.
- 8.6
- Because the ego has personified insanity, it is clear why it cannot function properly. Relationships will never be complete, nor can they survive in a healthy manner on the fear and guilt that the ego uses to keep control. The mind is not the source of your pain. Pain is a function that belongs to the ego. All relationships become distorted with inauthentic qualities and emotions. Your union with another will only be made real by removing all pain.
- 8.7
- It is by knowing that we are not our past that we can be reborn in each moment. In this very moment, you can recreate yourself as unconditional love. To do so, you must surrender to your devotion completely, and without resistance. Purification needs to occur in your mind, body, thoughts, words and the deeds you offer to the world. When you surrender to Love, it surrenders to you. If you bow down to the world, you will find the
- world laid at your feet. If you serve only God, you will find that God becomes your servant, and that God does not deny His children anything.
- 8.8
- Guilt does not serve a greater purpose; it only serves the egos desire for suffering. If you justify guilt, you will never find wholeness. If you choose to suffer with guilt, you will pass on the suffering to others. Guilt has no positive usefulness. Understand that guilt only increases your separation with the divine and is a methodical tool for destroying self worth. You live within the heart of God, and guilt does not reside there.
- 8.9
- There is only one way to love and that is how God loves. Everything else you think is love is an illusion. Once you discover this, you will understand what real love is. If you do not feel blessed, then as God you cannot bless, which is impossible. This is why you must remember how blessed you are, so that you may pass your blessings onto others. The more you bless all that you see, the more you are blessing yourself and your life.
- 9.0
- Do not underestimate the egos diabolical nature or what it can accomplish with its lunacy. Its only power over your mind is what you allow it to have. This power can be taken away, as you are its creator. It is difficult to see that the stories the ego has created don't hold true meaning due its sheer delusional complexity. God merely sees the structure for what it is and invests in who you are as His child.
- 9.1
- Making decisions based on the egos leadership will always result in a certain level of pain or destruction. Beware not to judge the self worth of your divinity, for in doing so results in arrogance towards God. Learn forgiveness and you will bypass guilt. Forgiving yourself and others should become your main focus, as this is the sacred tool of your healing. You must heal in order to remember yourself as God. Having your decisions being lead by your divinity will make your life very simple and gentle. Offer all decisions to God and the answers will arrive immediately in an uncomplicated fashion. For those exhausted from making painful decisions, this will provide you with the relief you always knew should be available, because it always has been.
- 9.2
- Humbleness is the great equalizer when utilized correctly. To be humble is not the same as making yourself smaller than others. That comes from a belief of unworthiness and arrogance, which is not God consciousness. Instead, to be humble is to recognize that the greatness within you is your divinity, which is also within everyone else, which you are
- but a servant to. It is not the egos place to assume the role of God. Beware of the egos desire and inclination to take power of its own.
- 9.3
- Its important to understand that there is nothing hidden behind your fear, there is only the pain your ego has placed in fear to stop you from growth, and your union with the divine. There isn't anything that the ego has created that holds a place in the reality of the world you are meant to be living in. To give credibility to fear is choosing illusion over God.
- 9.4
- You are not broken. You are perfect exactly as you are in this moment. If you are suffering or confused it is only your ego and the choice you made to allow its rule over you. This choice is free will, and as God, you allow this relationship to cause you to suffer. Everything that occurs because of that choice is a product of perfection, showing you exactly where your creation lies as a result of your actions. Purification does not make you holy, it only uncovers the holiness that was always there. Underneath all of the inauthenticity, you have always been God.
- 9.5
- There is a knowledge that occurs as your perception becomes a purified consciousness. Because the viewpoint of unconditional love allows you to see with clarity, it is a knowledge that can only happen with purification. If you become an empty vessel, free of all that is not Love, God can then fill your emptied vessel with divine knowledge. If your vessel is already filled with other things, you cannot experience all that God has to offer you.
- 9.6
- Do not fall into the belief that without your ego you are weak. True strength comes from vulnerability, and frailty only comes from when you deny God. By remembering your divinity, you are merging with the divine and only strength lies there. Without God, your life is an illusion. Any belief telling you otherwise is only the ego arguing with itself.
- 9.7
- You cannot conquer the issues troubling you with negative emotions. Fighting anger with anger only breeds more anger, and love with forgiveness is the water to angers fire. The only way to clear disparaging issues is by becoming a champion of Love. Because you are choosing love in every circumstance, this form of healing is not confusing. It is far easier then the egos responses to dealing with any given situation, which is a plethora of
- negativity and suffering. The root of what the ego teaches is pain, and every form of pain imaginable is born from its leadership.
- 9.8
- Could you imagine the tremendous healing you could offer the world by living in partnership with God? Merging together in unity has already occurred; all you need to do is remember. You have always been one with the divine. Remembering means choosing to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and living life as Love. God is waiting for you to claim it so that you may live on this earth in bliss, happiness and peace. So, why not claim it now? God is ready for you in this very moment. There is no pain with surrender. Surrender to God now and walk as Love, for when you do, you leave all past reflections behind as you enter the light.
- 9.9
- Because you are God, you are eternal, which means timelessness exists in your life as a divine being. This is where limitation is removed and miracles become possible. When all of the limiting beliefs are taken away, you will find that you become limitless. By allowing your purity to reach its full potential and serving the world in Love, everything becomes possible. There is no truth in making yourself insignificant. Become the shining beckon that you are, so that it may open the minds of others and they can do the same. This is how to serve the world. We are all one. What we do for one, we do for all. Serve God, love yourself and live in peace.
- 10.0
- You are not who your ego claims you to be. Your ego wishes you to feel as if you are the opposite of who you really are. Within the illusion hides the fraudulent conclusion that you are insignificant, which is what fuels the root of your fear. Your fear of insignificance cannot be real, because fear and unconditional love cannot coexist. You cannot be worthless as God. You and your divinity are one, and it is not possible to separate who you are. There is no benefit to believing in the illusion of separateness; it only supports the egos attempts at control over your allegiance.
- 10.1
- The challenges you face are designed to teach you how to become greater love, and each opportunity must be taken. Each life lesson has the capability to help recreate yourself as greater love in every moment. It is impossible to hide your inauthentic qualities. You may feel you are successfully hiding them from others, but in truth you are only attempting to hide these qualities from yourself. There isn't anyone to hide from, you are the only one here, and everyone is a reflection of you. God has no secrets; your divinity gives everything openly and freely.
- 10.2
- Do not allow pride, shame or fear to interfere with healing the qualities you are trying to hide inside. You are completely accepted, loved, and forgiven regardless of the choices and transgressions you've performed in this lifetime. Love and forgive yourself, offering yourself your own redemption, as God. Judging others will only outwardly display your feelings of judgments about yourself. Judging yourself affects your self worth, giving you an impaired ability to love others the way you were meant to. You cannot love others without loving yourself first. It is the journey to self-love that will lead you to God.
- 10.3
- You are not your past. What you are now is what is legitimate. The ego lives in time but your divinity exists in timelessness and is not bound by the same rules of conduct. The ego plays at being God, believing in the fallacy of an immortality that only belongs to your divinity, and believes that it will continue to live even after your body dies. The ego does die, but you as God are immortal.
- 10.4
- The reason the concept of hell is so easily identifiable is because that is the world of the ego. Therefore, it can also be identified that choosing to follow the voice of your divinity is the way to experience heaven. The only hell that exists is what you needlessly put yourself through on earth. Heaven is meant to be here, and is available to experience as long as you choose to do so freely. Hell exists only within the illusion and can be dispelled with your devotion and faith. Underneath the illusion you will find the truth to your existence. This is where you will find the heaven you've always dreamed of.
- 10.5
- You cannot give your power away to another person. You are God in every moment, regardless of condition or circumstance. The idea that you could give your power to someone else suggests the impossibility that you lose your divinity depending on the situation you are in. It does not matter if you are a leader or a follower, you are always God in every moment, and your power stays with you. Becoming small does not serve you; it only shows you the value you have chosen to place upon yourself. This value does not come from an outside source; it is one that you have chosen to believe. There is no truth in shrinking down to serve a situation or a person. To radiate love with humility is to serve the world. This feeds the lives of others and allows them to do the same. If you accept smallness, you are denying the power of God within you, and are creating a way to continue to believe your illusion of separation.
- 10.6
- There is no need to reach for your divinity when it is already there. You only need to recognize and accept who you truly are. There is nothing more you need to do. Your self-
- realization is available in this very moment, as it always has been. Do not be fooled into believing that you must accomplish a great number of tasks before you are worthy of knowing yourself as God. To feel that way suggests an underlying arrogance in what you believe remembering God means. The truth is, your importance is the same as everyone else's, because everyone is God. You do not need to accomplish anything more to be who you already are at the core of your being. You only need to remove the layers that aren't love to see it. Begin by surrendering to unconditional love in this moment, and embody all that it stands for. In time, the memory of your consciousness as God will return to you.
- 10.7
- If you're finding that your progress is slow, it is because you wish it to be. You are exactly where you want to be in every respect. If you are struggling, there is a part of you that believes that is what you deserve. You have the ability to achieve all that you desire, as long as you desire it completely. Be in the asking and weed out the energy that is encumbering your progress. Because fear in itself is not synonymous with danger, there is nothing to be afraid of. Fear only appears frightening. It is only an illusion.
- 10.8
- As long as you are holding onto the need for harboring private thoughts, your moment of realization will be kept at bay. There is not a single thought that you should not want to share with God, regardless of its nature. It is this action of hiding that causes you to desire separation from God and shows you that there is still fear within you that is asking to be healed. In order to communicate with your divinity, you must accept the process of healthy communication. If you are hiding from communicating with yourself, your communication with God will be dysfunctional. Remembering your divinity does not mean that every thought that you have must be pure and perfect. It does mean that any attachments you have must be released within your mind.
- 10.9
- Everything that you own, owns you. If you move through your life without feeling attached to the need for control, you will no longer feel controlled. It’s important to recognize the impossibility of owning anything in this world. There is not a single thing you can take with you in your immortality, other than your consciousness.
- 11.0
- Your ego mind intentionally shuts down thoughts that would lead you to God, as it knows that you prefer not to face pain. The ego uses pain to block you from God in this way, as pain is a natural repellant due to love being the core of your being. It is in the egos best interest to keep you within its illusion so that it may continue to have its rule over you. The ego does not love; it only has pain to offer. You must face the illusion of pain and conquer it within yourself so that you can walk with God without illusion. With complete
- abdication, you will gain the ability to feel peaceful, in all conditions. Whenever you feel pain, you are choosing to do so.
- 11.1
- Surrendering is an open doorway in your heart that allows God to enter your vision. If you remain attached to the illusion in this world, your focus is on the illusion and not God. Removing your need to be attached to illusion by taking away its importance will automatically bring your focus to the only thing that's real. You can choose how graceful or painful your healing will be, in any moment. Choose to walk as unconditional love, and pain will immediately be dispelled.
- 11.2
- Surrendering to your higher self requires an absolute willingness to let go of all of your attachments. As you are one with everything, there isn’t anything you can truly own. Therefore, attachment is illogical and only creates the illusion of separation of who you truly are. The need to hang on to anything that does not belong to you is a call for healing of insecurity and pain. Whatever you believe you own, owns you. When you release your attachments, you become unshackled. With your obedient surrender comes divine clarity, as there will no longer be obstacles in the way of truth. As you unclutter your mind and surroundings, you allow the space and clarity within yourself for your divinity.
- 11.3
- There is no benefit to arrogance. Your attempts to impress others are really only attempts to impress yourself. This is because you are God and the only one here. You're equal to all others around you, this is a fact that opinion or judgment cannot alter. Everyone is here is God and are equally important. Arrogance is just another way to show yourself and everyone else that you have pain and insecurity that has yet to be healed. The use of arrogance is a tool for blocking self-love. Forgive yourself and embody humility.
- 11.4
- Do not be afraid that no longer choosing to have the ego control your actions will result in pandemonium. The habitual use of your ego and the hesitation of letting go of allowing it's control, suggests an illusion of comfort due to familiarity. This shows that the human condition prefers to choose pain over love, because pain is what it's been taught in its lifetime, not because it's actually more comfortable. When you hang onto pain tightly and shut your eyes, it is difficult to see the world for what it is. Open your eyes and let go, so you may begin your journey in remembering that you came here to experience peace all along, and truly enjoy what the world has to offer by becoming Love.
- 11.5
- Unconditional love is to love every person equally, regardless of circumstance or conditions. The action of loving one person more than another is not recognizing that you are the only person on this planet, and that every person is God. You must love all aspects of yourself equally, just as you must love all people equally. This is the way God loves. It is the belief of loving one person more than another that widens the gap of your separation from your true self.
- 11.6
- To separate love and to make one love more exclusive than another is not understanding what unconditional love is. It is all one Love, all of the time, and this truth has no separation. Unconditional love has nothing to do with sexual relations. While it’s true that you can have sex with an individual who you unconditionally love, sex is not love. Feeling the connection of unconditional love with each and every person is seeing everyone’s divinity, and then recognizing it within yourself. It is this action that will aid in the shifting of your consciousness.
- 11.7
- When love is separated into groupings according to the egos discerning viewpoints of which person deserves more love than another, it becomes conditional love, which is not real love at all. This love is based on fear to support its functionality, and results in guilt and suffering. These types of relationships shift their needs constantly according to the pain and agenda of the ego. The importance of self honesty and adjustment is paramount as the desire to be connected and united with the divine love within us is so great, that you allow yourself to believe in the falsehood that conditional love is what you truly desire. This occurs due to choosing the ego as your master and not embodying unconditional love as your guide.
- 11.8
- The ego plays a role in attempting to deceive and to keep you within a relationship that does not serve your divinity, and one that will keep you locked in pain. It serves the ego to do everything within its power to fool you into thinking that there is only self- completion within another person. Real completion only comes from within. Because there is no one outside of self, it is also important to be honest in regards to accountability. If there is even the smallest measure of wanting the other person to change to ease your discomfort, then this is conditional love. Wishing for another to change for your own comfort suggests the impossibility of reducing you, as God, into victim consciousness. You are the only one here, therefore you are completely accountable for all that occurs within your world.
- 11.9
- If you are being abused, because God is not a doormat, you must discern the situation as love towards yourself, and adjust your world accordingly. Allowing yourself to be abused by another is allowing God to be abused. Develop the practice of living and thinking as the embodiment of unconditional love. When you do this, you are choosing to walk your highest path, which will lead to the true understanding of who you really are, and your divine purpose here on this planet.
- 12.0
- Find the courage within to implement self-growth, and allow your path to self-discovery take you into the depths of your heart. Your full realization of your divinity waits for you there. Self-realization can only be accomplished by the use of your free will. Because it is divine will that wishes you to remember who you are, it is the combination of your divinities unlimited power and your modest yearning that carries you to the ultimate connection to self.
- 12.1
- If you choose to see yourself as weak, it causes people around you to suffer because you would see and project your weakness onto others. Weakness within your divinity does not exist. It is an illusion of your ego to facilitate the implementation of guilt and suffering.
- 12.2
- The love that you're yearning for within another person is actually the love that is already within yourself. This is the ache of the illusion of separation. There is no other love that is real other than the love you share with your divinity. Because you believe in the falsehood that you are separate from God, the desire of finding a person outside of self to fill the void can become unbearable, as there is an understanding on various levels that the relationship you wish to have with yourself as unconditional love is what you long to experience more than anything. This is why egoic love is not satisfying. The ego will always suggest for you to look for the love you seek outside of self, knowing full well that you will never be satisfied. Because the ego does not love, it uses your pursuit of love for personal gain. By loving unconditionally instead, you enter into an arena where you no longer need anything from another person. You are instead free to love without agendas. This is unlike the egos fragmented pursuit of love, which is always full of conditions and guilt, and always leads to suffering.
- 12.3
- The ego convinces you that it uses anger to keep you safe. This is not the case, as anger is only a way of showing yourself that you have a sensitivity that you are trying to protect and is a cry for healing. Anger weakens you, it does not offer you power. By not healing
- the frailty that the anger is protecting, you are allowing the weakness to control your actions.
- 12.4
- Forgiveness is feared because there is a false belief that by forgiving and letting go, the ego will no longer own the control of that situation. The truth is, there is no ownership on the highest planes of existence. You are one with all that is in this world. Therefore, ownership becomes obsolete. You are already everything, so there is no need to own anything. If you hang on to the desire to own situations, objects, or the illusion of the past, all of these things own you. This is because your world is a mirror. If you refuse to release your attachments, these circumstances will refuse to let go of you. You must let go of your need for attachments to liberate yourself from the cycle of ownership. In this way, you will allow abundance into your life by allowing the space within yourself for it to come forth. Do not allow the egos fear to tell you otherwise. Refuse to identify with the need for attachments, so that you may loose yourself from its bindings and free yourself.
- 12.5
- What you hide from within the corners of your mind is where you must travel. If your ego is keeping something hidden, those are the areas that will foster the highest degrees of personal growth. It is your acceptance of your own divinity that will offer others permission to accept theirs. Because you are the only one here, it is up to you to become the catalyst for positive change by allowing your God realization. Your growth will inspire others to grow, and your light will help others to shine. Become the beacon of love you are destined to become, and by doing so, you will light the way for others to follow.
- 12.6
- Because you are one with everything and every one, there is no separateness in your actions. What you give to one, you give to all, including yourself. This is partially what it means to overcome the illusion that you are separate from your divinity.
- 12.7
- Unconditional love does not mean sacrifice. Sacrifice was invented by the ego to cause you to suffer in your pursuit of love. There is no place for the pain of sacrifice within the realm of Gods love. Sacrifice is another way of keeping yourself within the falsehood that love carries the price of pain and suffering, which real love does not. Unconditional love does not harbor any attachments or hidden agendas, it just is. Sacrifice is a creation of your ego, it is not Gods demand. This is because sacrifice comes from pain, and pain is of the ego alone. Therefore, the relevance of the action is an illusion. Holding onto the need to sacrifice yourself automatically causes you to do the same onto others.
- Doing onto others as they would do unto you is an axiom that is unfinished. It should read;
- Do onto others as they would do onto you, as this is what you do onto yourself and God.
- 12.8
- It is your beliefs in your world that shape your reality. If you are to demonstrate limiting beliefs onto another, you will immediately limit your own reality and what you are able to accomplish for yourself. To source your experience to its fullest potential, you must realize and release all agendas and attachments. To wish for everyone's fullest potential to be realized and understood will open the doors for you to realize your own life's purpose.
- 12.9
- Refuse to allow sacrifice to make sense to you, for when you find it acceptable, you are accepting it on behalf of everyone, including God. This is an impossibility and an illusion, as sacrifice is not an aspect of your divinity.
- 13.0
- You are not your body. Your body is an instrument to serve your divinity and is borrowed from God. There is not anything in this world that you own, including your body, or your life. Your life belongs to the highest part of yourself. Your ego, in an attempt to claim ownership of you, has staked its claim on your life and creates the suppression of your remembrance of who you really are, which you ache for in every moment. This is an impossible scenario as your life cannot be bought, sold or owned. The need for ownership comes from the need to hold onto something to fill the void of the illusory absence of love. This is impossible as you are unconditional love at the core of your being.
- The illusion of fear will suggest that giving your life to your divinity is not what you are here to do on this planet, in an effort to stay within the familiar confines of fear. The ego teaches the insanity that familiarity is comfort, regardless of the amount of pain attached.
- 13.1
- With the surrendering of your life to unconditional love comes great peace and knowledge, and the fulfillment of completion. You will only experience completion with the forgotten memory of who you are as a divine being. Because this is who you really are, any effort to convince yourself otherwise will only force yourself deeper into the illusion and increase your suffering, and will not change the ultimate truth, regardless of how many falsehoods your ego provides to support its claims. You will not find peace with your denial. The truth does not change with each new perception that you carry. It stays the same, patiently waiting for you to take the peace that it is offering you, which goes far beyond what your imagination can conjure, or what the pain of your ego could ever allow.
- 13.2
- By seeking fulfillment outside of self, you are condemning yourself to a relationship where suffering is shared, as opposed to being completely fulfilled and offering only the purity of love to another, without attachments or agendas. Fulfillment outside of self does not exist, it can only come from within. By seeking fulfillment outside of self you are condemning yourself to suffering and separation from the love that you truly desire. The relation of one ego mind to another only lends itself to guilt, pain and insanity. It is the embodiment of unconditional love that allows the end of suffering in companionship, and within your heart.
- 13.3
- There is a great peace in comforting another, due to the effect of simultaneously receiving the comfort that you offer. This effect is your own love being reflected back to you. As you heal others, you are immediately healed. This is what is meant by you being the only one here, and all in this world is only a reflection of you. If you are receiving anything other than love and happiness, it is because you wish it to be so on some level of your being. You can be the only one to punish yourself, there is no one else. If you wish for happiness, you must only see happiness in all that surrounds you, for whatever you perceive in your life is what becomes your reality. Your lack of self worth never came from outside of self, it is a falsehood that you have allowed yourself to believe. Because you are love, the illusion of self-depreciation is egoic bondage.
- 13.4
- When you allow your ego to harbor secrets, you are allowing your illusion to continue. God’s nature has no need for secrets, as hiding secrets is a cry for healing and is a clear indication of fear. By allowing this fear to continue inside of you, you do not allow the space for God to fill you with His divine love and grace. You are instead choosing denial, which is how you deny your own access to your divinity. By offering your secrets to God, you allow His love to heal your pain, so that you may discover freedom within yourself.
- 13.5
- The concept of extending a devoted saintliness to all that surrounds you may feel as though it is an impossible task. The truth is, the task is a simple one, much simpler than the complexity of the egos monkey mind. There is but one focus that will extend to all aspects of your existence, and that is to always be in the asking of what unconditional love wishes you to do. Retraining your mind to ask love what your actions should be instead of asking your ego is the pivotal process that will change the shape of your world. This is the true natural process. What you have done to hurt your mind with the diabolical nature of the ego is what is unnatural.
- 13.6
- There is no need to understand the process of self-realization in order to accomplish it. Your understanding exists within yourself with our without knowing all of its structure. It is best to understand only what you need to know, so you may leave as much clarity and space within yourself as possible. That way, your memory of your unity with the divine can merge within you, unencumbered. Do not allow arrogance of who you feel you are to stand in the way of you remembering who you truly are, as there will be a discrepancy. Relieve yourself of the attachment of your need to know, and discontinue its ownership of you. While it may be true that remembering your divine self is in part realizing you've been living in illusion for a long time, it is to be celebrated instead of feared or regretted, as your realization is the end of denying your true self, and the beginning of your happiness. Walk towards the truth with anticipation and joy by embodying the life you always knew was your destiny. Walk forth as Love and find your freedom.
- 13.7
- When you dream, there is an apparent lapse in judgment and reality that is not noticeable until you awaken and recall what you dreamt about. The same can be said in regards to the shifting of your perception to living as love from living in your ego. While you are living in the illusion it can be nearly impossible to see how distorted the illusions and insanity is, until your perception becomes one with purity and wholeness.
- 13.8
- Embodying wholeness is the removing of distortion so that you may experience clarity. It is the distortion that clouds reality and traps you within the illusion of a dream. It is dreaming while you sleep that allows the window to see how your life is also like a dream, one that you can come out of to see the real world that's actually happening simultaneously, just as you may do when waking up from a disturbing sleep.
- 13.9
- Have you dreamt of terror while you sleep? These dreams become a eulogy to the pain and suffering endured as a replication of your waking world. Dream terrors make little logical sense and contain strange, insane details that are a collection of psychological odds and ends which becomes a perfect mirror of how you appear in the purity of your divinity while you are awake and living in your egos illusion. Your egos insane behavior is not judged, but merely recognized for what it is.
- 14.0
- When you dream, the world you create feels completely real, other than moments of recognition that you are functioning within a dream. Even then, the desire to continue
- dreaming still has its pull, due to the comfort of illusion. The same can be said of living in the illusion of the ego. Regardless of the pain it causes, there's familiarity in the illusion that creates the guise of comfort, even when discomfort is prominent. While living in the ego, one must use faith and devotion to move forward toward the goal of living as love, understanding that it will be the end of suffering, and the beginning of true happiness and liberation, even while the idea of living without suffering can seem like a fairy tale. You must do so despite the pull of continuing to dream the egos illusion.
- 14.1
- An addiction to pain can easily be formed due to deep levels of insecurity and low self worth if one develops the idea that they deserve to suffer, and can create a monkey mind effect of keeping you locked within the illusion of your ego creation. Heal yourself, and remember that there is no self-deprecation in your life as God, there's only love. As long as there is value in hanging onto your illusion, you will continue to favor the illusion over reality.
- 14.2
- Your dreams and your ego are similar in their illusion, they just contain a different structure. Your dreams were designed to reflect the obvious illusion of the ego with its insane logic and metaphoric explanations. In this teaching, it is easily illustrated how obvious the egos illusion is in the face of purity. God teaches you the impurity of the ego through your dreams within these representations and gives you opportunities in this way to become greater love. Do not make the mistake to pass off your dreams as a nonsensical anomaly, or you will be missing a divine gift intended to aid in your growth to help you remember who you really are.
- 14.3
- The illusions that you've created to cover your divinity can only be placed on top of who you are, it can never destroy or alter it in any way. It is always there, regardless of belief, recognition, denial or faith. It makes no difference what you've done in this life to cover up your light, how many evils you've committed, or the shame of your past deeds that you carry with you, it all gets piled on top of your divinity, never changing and always remaining exactly the same. It is how clearly you recognize and remember who you are that will allow your divinity to envelop your world. Everything is forgivable and redeemable. You are God regardless of anything that you have done in this lifetime. In order to experience the partnership of your divinity the way you are meant to, you must purify.
- 14.4
- It has been the permutation within the integrity of purity that has caused you to feel fragmented and isolated. Your divinity rests within and waits with infinite patience.
- Within the confusion of clandestine thoughts lies a knowingness of underlying peace and stillness. Ultimately, if it is peace that you crave, then why does the choice of what you embody continue to be insanity? These permutations are meaningless and carry no substantiality in truth. Become one with all that surrounds you and become the peace that you desire within.
- 14.4a
- This can happen in this very instant, if you choose to do so with all of your being. There is nothing left that you need to do. Only accept who you truly are and embody love now. Your divinity is waiting for you.
- 14.5
- As your divinity has never left your side on this path that you've chosen in this lifetime, it would only take a moment for you to recognize that you have never walked alone. If you understood the magnitude of who walked with you and loved you unconditionally through each moment of your existence, you would never allow yourself to feel fear again or stray from your path of remembering yourself as God. You may wonder what right you have to be loved, when you have believed for so long that you are unworthy. The truth is, all you are is love and loving everything and everyone is your primary function. It does not serve you to believe that love is meant for everyone else but you. There isn't anyone else here but you. The hope of the universe rests upon your willingness and courage to love yourself with all of your being. Loving yourself will immediately pour outward onto all of creation and will serve the world in ways that will reach the vast corners of the universe, moving far beyond what mere words can conjure.
- 14.6
- As you come closer to the roots of your fears and the cleansing of your emotional body, there will be a natural reaction to flee or to rebel as you imagine the need to combat the pretend adversary that challenges what you believe is your safety. These are all triggers strategically placed by the ego to ward you from straying from its control. The illusion here is the sense of emergency that your ego creates. There is nothing behind your fear as the only purpose for the fear is to stop you from healing.
- 14.7
- Healing alone does not need to be painful, it is only the egos creation that holds that belief. Understand that it is the hidden pockets of unrecognized fear that will create the dichotomy of pulling you in different directions. When you experience a dichotomy, there exists at least one contradiction. Gods will cannot contradict itself coming from two sources.
- 14.8
- It is not enough to have good intentions with how you maneuver in this world. You must change the perception of where these good intentions come from. If you believe your intentions are good, yet you come from a place that is not pure, your best intentions will create pain. If you truly wish to come from a place of good intentions, you must source the only place that good will come from. Good intentions aren't truly good unless you are coming from a place of purity. The smallest degrees of impurity can be seen and register within the universe, so do not fool yourself into thinking that they don't matter. It is also important to remember that coming from the distorted egos perception of what love is will still lead you to a place of suffering as the egos idea of love, is not love at all. The egos love is based and created from the pain of separation and is not sourced from divine purity. You will never achieve happiness by sourcing decisions from the place of the egos idea of love. You must instead love as God would, as God’s love is unconditional.
- 14.9
- Because of the fear that permeates your being is an intentional repellant placed by your ego to discourage you from growth, it is possible to develop the false belief that love is the source of pain. Love is the healer of pain and all of suffering. It is the egos illusion of searching for love outside of self that causes misery, and does not hold a place in the reality of unconditional love. Where it may be true that searching for love the way you have tried previously created suffering within the ego, it is the remembering and implementing of divine love that creates happiness without pain. At this juncture, you must shift your perception into one that allows a refining of the true meaning of what love is, by understanding that your previous understanding of love was incorrect.
- 15.0
- Divine love is not the egos distorted view of what it believes to be love. The ego cannot love, so defining the meaning of love through the ego is not logical. The only way to understand true love is by living as love in every moment, on every level of your being, with no discrepancy from thoughts to words to deeds. Having the courage to redefine love for yourself will give permission for and allow an extraordinary love into your life, in ways you never dreamed possible.
- 15.1
- The need for retribution only exists while you are still attempting to discern the difference between what is real and what is the egos illusion. When the moment arrives for the veil to be lifted, it is not one that can be forced by your hand. That is a function that is left up to your divinity alone and should be offered to God freely, without attachment. It is your lilliputian will and Gods ultimate will in unison that will deliver you into retribution. It is the landmark of self-realization that will allow many others to follow. By freeing yourself, you will free the world around you and serve your highest purpose.
- 15.2
- Self-realization is not the end of your learning, as you can always realize yourself as greater love. It is only a level of your journey, as you continue to reach deeper levels of understanding of who you are as a divine being. Self-realization is not a destination, it is a landmark.
- 15.3
- Illness is one of the tools of self-deception. One purpose for this tool is to hide reality and to keep you from living in unity with your divinity. Because pain and suffering keeps you in the ego, it is a defense against the truth about you as God. It can also be viewed as isolation as you alone will suffer, and others will not feel your pain the way you do. It gives the ego power to make the separation from your divinity real. When you heal yourself, you heal the world because giving and receiving are the same circular action and creation knows no opposite.
- 15.4
- You must go past only intellectualizing the concept of unity into the experience of it first hand. To free the world with love, you must first believe unconditional love is possible and love yourself, so that you may offer it to others. It is with this understanding that you may find the unhealed pain inside of you, so that you may discover wholeness. You must heal yourself to find your freedom and to free others. Until you do, you will continue to see the world in the illusion of your own making, shaped by the pain and suffering of your unhealed emotional body.
- 15.5
- Because you are connected to everything, you must understand that there is no limit to what you can experience once you decide to no longer believe in the illusion of separation. It is only your limiting beliefs that cause you to stay within certain parameters and is an invention of illusion, not of your divinity. Greatness comes from the openness and acceptance of desire and it's possibilities, not by believing that what you desire is not possible. By believing that you have limits of what you can accomplish is believing in the impossibility that God has limits. When you have limiting beliefs towards yourself, you will immediately push the same limiting beliefs onto others, which does not serve the world. There is no limit to what you as God can do, and is blasphemous to suggest otherwise. Allow yourself the freedom to accomplish whatever you would like to in this lifetime as long as it harms no one, and immediately give others permission to do the same. In this way, you have the opportunity to free the world around you, while simultaneously freeing yourself.
- 15.6
- To surrender yourself to the understanding that you need not do anything but serve unconditional love, is to allow the process of devotion to aid you in reaching your sacred path. In this way, you understand that by stepping aside and relinquishing control, you are allowing God to do His work through you. God cannot use you as a sacred vessel if you are continuing to pursue your own agendas based on fear and pain. Because God is only love, embodying love is what you must aspire to so that you may both work in unison to forge your highest path of consciousness. God is the creator of your dreams and desires, which are only an inkling of what will be offered to you in remembrance of your unity with God. By choosing your highest path, you are not choosing for your dreams to end, you are choosing for them to finally begin.
- 15.7
- It is your beliefs in your world that shape your reality. If you are to demonstrate limiting beliefs onto another, you will immediately limit your own reality and what you are able to accomplish for yourself. To source your experience to its fullest potential, you must realize and release all agendas and attachments. To wish for everyone's fullest potential to be realized, will open the doors for you to understand your own life's purpose.
- 15.8
- The limitless power of your divinity is omnipresent, patiently waiting for your direction, as long as you use it in alignment with Christ consciousness. Few understand that is by misusing thoughts, feelings and desires is what has created suffering and chaos in your lives. All of this can change within a very short period of time if the will to do so remains consistent. As it is possible for the outer shell of your physical body to renew itself within a few months, as popular science has proven, then can it also be recognized that perfect functionality of your mind can be restored in a similar fashion, which in its natural way becomes a repellant for disharmony.
- 15.9
- As you reach within towards your highest self, remember that God will never criticize or condemn, that has always been a creation of ego alone. The only purpose of guilt is suffering, and is not Christ consciousness. If you find that a mistake has been made, immediately forgive yourself as blame is always pointed inward. As you continue to unconditionally love yourself, eventually forgiveness will no longer need to occur, as you never would have condemned to begin with. It is only with self-analysis and healing that you will be able to hold onto the higher consciousness that is waiting to be claimed within you.
- 16.0
- Divine energy flows through you to create your world, regardless of your recognition of its presence. If your belief rests within a world of discord and discontent, the energy will create that structure for you to live within. Is only by embodying the vessel of what your divine energy was meant to thrive in that you will discover your true potential, as divine energy is pure and its strength lies within it's purity. By diluting the power with inauthentic qualities is how it's strength becomes hidden.
- 16.1
- It is a common to experience anger, rebellion, complacency and a myriad of other self- defacing expressions when going through the process of self-correction. The harmful element to this process is becoming critical or angry towards yourself and God. By removing this expression and replacing it with the understanding that your realization of your self-limiting qualities is a gift, your progress will move forward as its meant to. It is only by realizing these inauthentic qualities that you will be given an opportunity to free yourself from them forever. If you take the attitude of joy, with the understanding that your freedom comes closer with every new issue you discover and heal, your growth will become graceful and your path will be a much simpler one to travel. It is the action of self-correction that is your freedom from the infrastructure of illusion, and is not a step that can be overlooked or avoided.
- 16.2
- If you are feeling tired, why not suggest to yourself that you require more energy? You can do so by simply stating "I AM the perfect amount of energy running through my body right now, filling me with strength and clarity." Allow the divine energy inside of you to do the work it is made to do, by giving it the direction it longs for. It is important that this mantra does not conflict with opposing thoughts, as that will only create confusion for the energies function.
- 16.3
- This divine power is to be given direction with the foundation of purity, and when utilized correctly, it will produce dramatic results. The purity must come from all levels of your being, words, thoughts, and actions, as well as your physicality in regards to your intake of healthy foods and proper exercise. Your environment must be clean and healthy as that is a reflection of your inner self, is an act of self-love and is imperative to your overall wellness. Your mind and it's sponge like qualities will reflect back what you feed it, so if you are indulging in activities that are not in alignment with love, your ability to produce love purely will become tainted.
- 16.4
- Purifying all levels of your being affect the ability to utilize divine energy to your advantage. If you do not purify, there will be too many obstacles standing in the way for the energy to be able to flow the way it is meant to, and will become tainted and less potent due to your illusory beliefs.
- 16.5
- You are the only authority in your world, in your unity with God. The perfecting of your world is your right and you have full power to do so. Be fearless and harm no one.
- This moment marks the end of suffering in your life. For whatever reason or circumstance, you can be certain that your divinity has lead you here, so that you may finally understand who you are and what your true purpose is in this world. You will no longer feel lost, or feel as though you are without love. It is your time to finally remember it all, as this memory is only forgotten and can be restored in an instant. May these words lead the way to your birthright and destiny so that you may fulfill your highest purpose, and remember the love that is at the core of your very being. Your journey begins now.
- 1.1
- As you move towards the I AM that is your destiny, you must make an effort to remember the pillars of strength within you that will cause you to stand firm when it appears as if the world is falling beneath your feet. Embodying divine love follows wisdom, and divine wisdom shapes your world into the Heaven it was always meant to become. You are never alone in your choices, as God always guides you towards the choice that serves your highest good. Make no mistake, free will may suggest the illusion that you may choose from the infinite number of possibilities that you have available at any given moment, however if you do not choose your highest path, then you do not choose love. And, if you do not choose love, you choose suffering.
- 1.2
- Once you consciously choose the path of love, an alchemical change happens where you begin to receive your life lessons in a more axiomatic fashion. At this point of awareness, it's important to remember that choices consciously made against love holds a more pragmatic, negative energetic assimilation. The reason for this, among other things, is because you are now consciously choosing against the nature of your own divinity, and choosing to create pain and suffering for yourself in full awareness that is against what God is asking of you. It is important upon this recognition to become self aware of the reasons why you wish yourself harm, and pull the snares from within your elysian cloak as these are the specific itineraries that are stopping you from connecting with your sacred nature, and are removable obstructions in the pathway of your divinity.
- 1.3
- Denying your divinity, in truth, is recognizing its there. You cannot deny something that does not exist. Fear causes us to deny our true nature, and originates in the ego. Your ego will do all in its power to continue to have control over your life and not allow your higher self to take the reigns, as it would mean its ultimate destruction and reconstruction. Because you alone created your ego and gave it the power to rule your life, you must instead learn to give the power of your existence to your divine self, in every moment. Because God is love, choosing love to rule your life is for your highest good. Do not fear the idle threats your ego displays during its reconstruction. When completely surrendering to your higher self, there is no pain, regardless of circumstance. Pain is
- resistance to your higher will. If you choose to walk the higher path with all of your being, your pain will cease, as it was never Gods choice for us to suffer. The choice to suffer has always been our own, by the discretion of the ego mind.
- 1.4
- Healing is the acknowledgement of your divinity. In doing so, you will recognize that your divinity has also acknowledged you, and within that acknowledgement is your true nature.
- 1.5
- Only the eternal can love, for love cannot die. As an eternal being, you cannot be sick, and you do not need to suffer. Understand that you are not alone, as you are one with everything and everyone. And, as God, you are immortal as divine love is eternal. It is important to recognize you are the only one here, and learn absolute accountability for all that happens in your world. When you learn how to recreate all thoughts back into its natural state of unconditional Love, this practice will become your salvation.
- 1.6
- You created your ego because you understood that following the instructions of your higher self has always been your purpose. The ego was created in lieu of God within, because you did not learn to communicate with in the way you were meant to. You needed a creation that you felt would follow your life's purpose and you revered your ego as God, attending to its needs as you instinctually knew you were meant to do for God. The ego is unbalanced in nature and would happily allow your body to die before surrendering itself to your divinity. The egos fear of your divinity is logical, because when the moment would arrive that you would recognize you were meant to follow your divinity instead of your ego, the ego creation would cease to exist in its role as your leader. The choice of following your higher self has always been your purpose. This is a fact your ego, in its diabolical nature, hides from you with deliberate ingenuity to maintain its rule over your life and to keep you in pain and suffering.
- 1.7
- You have not been forsaken, as God does not deny His children anything. You may believe that He has not answered your call, but the truth is, it is you who have not answered His, as He has called to you from every part of creation. This is why it is important to release your attachment of how you’d like to hear God speak to you. As God is all of creation, your answer may not come in the form your ego demands, but it will come.
- 1.8
- The denial of your higher self is the origin of pain and suffering, and it is you that will suffer in deprivation. Whatever you do to yourself, you do to God. Whatever you do to others, you do to God. If you allow the insanity of your ego to run your life, you are subjecting God to insanity. If you harm another, you are always harming yourself. All that comes from the highest plane of existence is Love. If it is negative and dark, it comes from the ego.
- 1.9
- What you perceive in others is what you perceive yourself to be. This is why judgment is a dam in the river of your divinity. In order to remember yourself as God, you must first see God in all that is around you. Every person is God, regardless of the false representations of what their ego suggests about their true nature. You must see the divinity within everyone in order for you to see it in yourself, as you are the only one here. All that surrounds you are your reflections, within every person and all of creation.
- 2.0
- If another person or situation causes discomfort within you, remember in that moment that you have been given a gift. Take that moment and discover what it is that's causing your discomfort until you heal it within yourself. Because you are unconditional love at the core of your being, anything other than love is the ego and can be healed.
- 2.1
- You cannot heal anger with anger. You can only heal with love. If you see insanity in another, you can heal them by seeing their sanity. If you wish to be filled with divine bliss, you must wish that for others. We are all one in the same. What you do for another, you always do for yourself. And, what you do for yourself, you do for God.
- 2.2
- If you accept another's inauthentic qualities, you are also accepting yours. Because God is unconditional love and you are God, accepting inauthentic qualities is blasphemous and creates separation. If you learn to see only the love in everything, you in turn will only see the love within yourself. It is in this way that you become Love. By becoming Love, you remember who you truly are.
- 2.3
- Each person is God and is of equal importance, regardless of condition or circumstance. As God, each person has the free will to create his or her world as he or she desire. The ego is the creation that affects the purity of mans choices, and is what causes pain and suffering. Because the ego creation is an illusion and only love is real, it is important to take heed not to fall into the blasphemy of refusing to accept creation as love. It is
- blasphemous to perceive suffering anywhere, as that would be the belief in the illusion of the ego, as God only knows you as joy. Pay special attention to what the egos illusion is in order to keep you in suffering and what the answer is coming from unconditional love. The truth will always come from the purest part of you, therefore you must work to purify if you are to understand the truth.
- 2.4
- Unconditionally loving others is the same as unconditionally loving yourself. Both loving others and loving yourself will create a circular healing that shall resonate to the core of creation. Remember that time and eternity contradict each other. Therefore, within the higher realms of existence, only one can be real. If you accept timelessness as truth, you may begin to understand eternity and make it your own, as love is eternal and you are love.
- 2.5
- Contradiction is a way of demonstrating that one of two viewpoints is not real. God and the ego are diametrically opposed, therefore one infrastructure is a lie. If we examine the evidence carefully, we can see that the ego is made up of false belief systems and inauthentic qualities in order for it to function in a dysfunctional manner. God is unconditional love. You cannot serve two masters, and as long as you choose the ego as your leader, you choose pain.
- 2.6
- Do not fool yourself into believing that you do not serve the ego as a slave would. By choosing God, the same servitude you grant your ego would instead be given to your higher self. With that choice, your life would reflect the grace and light that exists in that consciousness. The fear of serving God comes from the egos fanatic demand of not wanting anyone to tell it what to do, so that it may keep a foothold on its self- preservation. Instinctually it knows it was created in lieu of God, and does not wish to surrender itself to the real Father of creation. God allows the ego because living in the illusion of the ego is a choice, as He does not deny His children anything, just as He does not deny Himself.
- 2.7
- As you come closer to the Light of God, you will feel the disparities burned from your being and clearly see the truth in the light. In this way, we can see why we can only choose to obey our higher selves, and that it has been our destiny from the beginning. Believing otherwise is merely allowing your egos desire for self-preservation.
- 2.8
- You are the only one here, all that surrounds you is your reflection. If you see the worst in people, you are seeing the worst in yourself. If you are judgmental towards yourself, you will condemn others. If you treat others with anger, you are angry with yourself and angry with God, who is you. It is all connected as one because we are all one with each other. Purification must go deeper than words, thoughts and deeds. You must surrender with all of your being to becoming unconditional love, in every moment. It is the challenge that God has given to you. You must see these opportunities as gifts to dispel everything that is not love out of your consciousness forever, as many inauthentic qualities stay hidden and dormant until a situation or circumstance brings them to light.
- 2.9
- The universe delivers lessons in the softest way that you can hear the message and not greater than. If your messages feel loud and overwhelming, it is because the universe has been sending you lessons for a long while without your acknowledgement or action to solve the issue, and with each effort, the message is delivered with greater intensity in hopes that you will receive the gift of the lesson. The messages will continue to arrive, as you are meant to follow the path to your higher self in order to remember your divinity. This path leads to divine bliss, joy and happiness. As many fear this truth because of their deep desire to experience the love they crave and the belief that it will never come, the way to surrender to your higher choices and meet these challenges is with joy in your heart, and by having the faith that the Love that you so intensely desire is waiting for you.
- 3.0
- The journey of pain was not meant for Gods children. That is the path of the ego alone and is not known in the realm of divinity. When you see darkness and walk with dark illusions, you are denying the light. Do not be tempted by dark comforts, as these illusions are only providing the false promise of relief. Real comfort comes from the light alone and will never occur in darkness. Peace, truth and real love await those who have the courage to claim it as their own and know they must walk the path of light to receive its blessings and all it has to offer. Know with complete faith that you can walk this path if you choose to do so. Remember, free will's function is to choose God in order to remember your divinity. It was never designed for you to choose pain and to suffer.
- 3.1
- Do not blame others for your deprivation. Only you can deprive yourself of anything. If you are blaming others, it is because you are already blaming yourself. As blame is the egos doing, it must be healed and the tendency must be re-parented. As long as there is blame, there is an attack on God. If you blame your brothers, you blame yourself and because you are God, you are also attacking God. The attack has a circular effect on creation, as we are all unified. There is not a single action that is separate.
- 3.2
- Once energy is made into form, it cannot be undone. Therefore releasing the energy, offering it up to your higher self and healing the tendency so it will not reoccur is the appropriate action.
- 3.3
- Self-blame is as potent of an ego defense as the attack of your brothers. In order to walk into the throne room of your highest self, you must cease the ongoing war that your ego has against your divinity. Declare peace, and walk into Gods presence unshackled. Prepare the temple of yourself as if you were expecting an important guest into your home. Dust all of the surfaces, clean out the clutter and fill the home with welcoming joy and anticipation. At one point you will realize your guest has always been there, as this important person that you’ve been waiting your entire life for has always been you, as divine love.
- 3.4
- You must unbind yourself from all that is not love because it is these bindings that cause the false belief that your freedom is not possible. Understand that it is your refusal to enter, and not God blocking the way to Him. God will not refuse entry to anyone. Jesus taught us that I am the open door that no man can shut. The way to Him has always been open. The only limitations in the journey to God are the ones you put upon yourself.
- 3.5
- When looking upon the infrastructure of the ego, you must be gentle with yourself to see the truth shine through. Walk softly through the perimeters of your mind and love yourself as God loves you. Do not fear the truth, as it will lead you to the path of freedom and light. If there is pain, there is resistance. If there is resistance, it is your ego fighting for survival. Take care to not allow your ego to cause you more suffering than it already has. Your ego is a creation that you made before you began to realize who you truly are, and like any story that you make up for yourself, your egos is not real. Do not get lost in the Maya of illusion. See your egos illusion for what it is and free yourself.
- 3.6
- Freedom can come in an instant. Do not believe the egos lies that you must do an infinite number of things before you are worthy of walking this earth unbound. The ego is telling you this for its own desire of self-preservation. What your ego is not sharing with you is the benefits you will receive by walking the path of God are far greater than anything your ego has offered to you in its campaign to continue the rule over your existence. God has placed any dream that you have ever wished for in your heart and He wishes to deny you nothing. You have nothing to fear in walking forward towards your destiny as God.
- You must only have the faith, willingness and obedience to do so. Why not do so now, in this very instant? It is yours now as it has always been, and will be forever.
- 3.7
- All is redeemable and all is forgivable. There is not a single deed or action committed on this planet that will not be so. Fear not your retribution as God does not assign and implement that task. You have long been making yourself pay for your wrong doings, which was an effort wasted and unnecessary. God’s intention for you was never to cause needless suffering.
- 3.8
- Forgiveness is your greatest gift and asset, and is your tool for salvation. As you forgive yourself, you will forgive others. If you are to walk as God, you must become unconditional love. Release the conditions you have placed upon yourself by withholding forgiveness. As you love everything and everyone, forgiveness will no longer be a separate action. It will just be. You will have no need to forgive because you would never have condemned to begin with. God does not forgive because he does not condemn. God only loves. Forgiveness is a creation of the ego in an attempt to undo the tangled barbs of inauthenticity that has caused pain and torment.
- 3.9
- Hiding from your illusions is your way of keeping them alive and functioning. The ego feels if you do not look, you will not see the lies that are hiding out in plain sight. By looking closely at your illusions, you are removing what is standing in the way of knowledge. The reason you do this is because of fear. Because you know that fear is not real, you understand that facing illusions is the only way to dispel them. If you are to deny the reality of fear, how fear effects you will dissipate.
- Fear does not extend past itself, it only blocks you from specific actions based on expectation. Anything that does not extend past itself does not hold a place in reality. Fear originates from the illusion of feeling separate from God. If you did not feel separate, you would not feel fear, as uniting with your Beloved means living in Love and truth. It is impossible to feel alone with this understanding, as you are connected to everything and everyone, all of the time. The origin of fear started there, in the belief that you were separate. As you move into the understanding that your separation is not real, you in turn can dismiss fear at the root of its origin and heal the wounds attached thereafter.
- 4.0
- Suffering exists due to the dichotomy of Gods will and the will of your ego. Following the whims of an unstable creation can only lead to pain. Because you created the ego to replace the guidance and Love of God, you grow to realize that the ego does not properly function in the hopes of how you created it to begin with. It is not possible for the ego to
- love. During the moments of your life when you were acting irrationally, did you not have a time when you realized your inappropriate behavior and in an instant changed past conception of events? This happens because the ego runs on the story you tell yourself and not in true reality. As you change your beliefs, your past changes. This is because your past is not real. The past was created while living in illusion. Truth only occurs within the present moment.
- 4.1
- Because of Gods willingness to share all of creation with you, His need for you is as great as your need for Him. Your creative foundation is the active function of God within you and will not act without Him. Your life belongs to your higher self and your partnership with God will always exist, regardless of belief or circumstance.
- 4.2
- The egos existence relies on your belief that you are separate from your divinity. However, if the ego attacks, it is based on the pain of separation. This is the dichotomy that is the cause of much needless grief and torment. Choosing to walk as unconditional love is the purpose of our existence and should be welcomed with open arms and with a feeling of pleasance.
- 4.3
- There is awareness within the ego that its dream of autonomy is not what was intended of you and your life on this planet. Its greatest fear is that you will remember who you are so that it will cease to have control over your life. Only God has full autonomy, with you in collaboration with Him. It is impossible that the ego could ever accomplish its independence, a fact that the ego will deny. God’s intention for you in this life was for you to remember who you are as a divine being, and Gods Will cannot be defeated. Happiness cannot happen outside of your collaboration with God, it happens as a result.
- 4.4
- Take special care not to give noesis to false ego beliefs. If you believe your onslaught upon another had power, you are giving power to a falsehood and allowing the ego control over your true nature. The goal is to function in collaboration and servitude of your highest self, and to dispel the Maya of the ego.
- 4.5
- If you feel fear in the pursuance of your destiny as you begin to remember yourself as God, take comfort in the truth that the egos voice is fear itself, and does not hold a place in your merging with the divine. The egos greatest trick is mimicking the voice of God, so take heed to always be in the asking from a place of unconditional love. By doing so, you will have the ability to see the tricks of the ego and will be able to bypass its fear
- altogether, so long as you do so with complete surrender and devotion. If you do not, your ego will take control. Remember, fear does not truly exist on the highest planes of creation and only love is real.
- 4.6
- The egos focus is on judgment and error of all things. What you perceive is what you become. If you perceive only the errors in your creation outside of yourself, you will perceive only the errors within, and in turn, you will become those errors. Your role as a creator and God is how this manifests into your reality. This is why whatever you believe you are, you become. It is also why the ones who believe in their dreams with complete faith and devotion become those dreams with ease, grace and flow.
- 4.7
- The Holy Spirit accepts. It is the nature of unconditional love. You learn to accept unity and move away from the illusion of separation by personifying love. You cannot be one with the divine by analyzing and perceiving errors in the world. Real knowledge will come upon ceasing judgment upon all things. In this capacity, you will begin to understand the futility of such actions and how judgment only blocks true wisdom and insight. This is why our egos perception is the opposite of God consciousness. True wisdom can only come from the highest part of yourself, not in the egos belief that separation is salvation and that concordance is a threat.
- 4.8
- It's important to look closely at how the ego views errors. When the ego’s illusionary world ceases to make logical sense, it will create lies to continue to support its infrastructure. Because the lies created can become discovered, information will be ignored and hidden. This is how the ego creates its reality from errors, by making truth into falsehoods. This is the requirement to continue its malfunction.
- 4.9
- If you decide for yourself that you are willing to see the answer, then the answer you shall receive. If you decide that you desire the problem, then that is what you shall become, as what you place your focus on is what you will transubstantiate into. Hold on to the vision of Love and truth with all of your being, and it shall be yours.
- 5.0
- While its true that what you see you believe, if you do not see it, you will not believe it. If all that you see when you walk out your front door is litter, it is difficult to appreciate the beauty that the world has to offer. Unless you take the time to pick up the litter that clouds your view of the world, how will you ever appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature? The same is true of your inauthentic qualities. Unless you take the time to clean
- out the inauthenticity from your being, you will never be able to appreciate the purity of what God has to offer. You must arrive to the throne room of God purified and without burden.
- 5.1
- The resurrection symbolizes your rebirth from the pain and suffering that you've experienced through your ego, and your union with God. It is by His grace that the unburdening of your pain and torment may come to an end, but you must do so willingly. This is the correct use of free will. So, which will you choose, your resurrection or your crucifixion? As the ego crucifies your life, God is offering you incomprehensible bliss and love through the promise of your resurrection.
- 5.2
- Many fear unconditional love because of the healing power it embodies, as many equate healing to pain. Unconditional love has the power to burn away anything that is not love and heal the wounds of the ego. Remember that if you feel fear, it is your egos plea for survival. Do not mistake fear for truth.
- 5.3
- It is a mistake to say you've been asleep prior to your spiritual enfoldment, as that would suggest that God has not always been aware. You have always been God, including the moments before spiritual "awakening". To perceive Gods work, it must be done through you, so that you may realize what God has done in His partnership with you. Beware not to set limits on what God can do through you or you will only experience what God can do for you. This is an important discernment so that you may live as God, as opposed to perceiving God outside of self. Perception of God must originate from within. Redemption may only occur with your unity with God and not by seeing God as separate from yourself.
- 5.4
- Because Gods creation is the eternal, the perishable aspect of the world you see is the creation of the ego. Living in the ego blocks you from perceiving the world the divine created for you to experience. By remembering yourself as God, His world is completely perceivable so long as you wish only to experience unconditional love as truth. If you still wish to perceive the ego, Gods world will continue to elude your vision and will not become your reality.
- 5.5
- The ego is able to see the good in some things but never the purity of goodness. This is how the ego combines fantasy and truth. If you believe in both fantasy and truth, you will not be able to see the difference between the two. If you set your focus on unconditional love, the truth will be the only thing you see.
- 5.6
- Living in fear means being afraid of your brothers, being afraid of God and being afraid of yourself. Because we are all united and are all one, what you do to one, you do to all. You cannot be self-deprecating without disparaging God, and you cannot attack a brother without attacking yourself. We are all bound together. Let go of the attachment of your interpretation and judgment in favor of the reality and truth of divine love, and your fear will dissipate. Use the reality of love to dispel all fears.
- 5.7
- If you judge another for attacking you, whether or not this is true, you will still react as though you have been attacked. You become what you perceive. If you perceive errors, you will make a lie true for yourself. If you see only love in everything and everyone, love will become your consciousness. This is the easiest thing in the world because you do not need to do anything at all, you will just be.
- 5.8
- Do not fall into the trap of only adjusting the behavior and not healing the cause. Both must work in conjunction with each other in order to properly calibrate the change.
- 5.9
- There has been a tendency for brothers and sisters to develop arrogance when climbing the ladder of remembering their divinity. Because you are God, there is no room for arrogance. In feeling prideful and greater than others in your accomplishments, you are holding back your progress and sending the blasphemous message that God is arrogant. In this way, you are using the false perception of your own special ness to create separation. By judging others with arrogance, you are merely acknowledging the smallness within yourself. It is a gift to see this, so that you may seek within and heal the pain so that you may remember yourself as God. We must not judge others for where they are in their growth or see them as lesser than, for they are not. We are all exactly where we are meant to be and our perception should support the is-ness of all creations with Love. We are all God, regardless of what stage we are at in our growth. We must only see God and not see the errors of others progress, lest we create the errors within ourselves. Learn humbleness, and embrace all with equality and unity so that you may unite and remember yourself as Divine.
- 6.0
- If you are asked for help and you refuse, then you do not listen to or answer your own cries for help. It is important to always be in the asking so that you will heal what is causing your separation. Beware of asking the opinions of others and remember that their own personal investment will shape what they are telling themselves the truth is. Unless their opinion is coming from a place of unconditional love, their response will be tainted. If you are giving help, you are open to or desire help on one level or another. If you are seeing the pain or fear in others, you perceive it within yourself. Once you realize that attack is a call for Love, you are recognizing its true function. Understand that fear does not exist in who you truly are, and supply the function of Love to recreate and heal the clarity of perceptual vision in regards to your purest construct.
- 6.1
- Fears function is to conceal love. Once we remove it, what remains is truth. Because fear will argue its position, and love is an is-ness, it is up to you to remove the lie to see what is real. Fear is also the proof of an all-encompassing Love as the nature of fear is the affirmation of what it conceals. Without Love, fear would not exist because its primary function is to conceal Love. This is fears affirmation that Love is bigger than itself. Allow this to give you hope and faith that what you are removing will make room for something infinite and desirable, as it is your true essence that is begging to be revealed. Do not allow the illusion of fear block you from the truth of who you are and your destiny.
- 6.2
- Love is what heals you. If you love yourself, healing is possible. If you do not love yourself and are asking to heal, it will not find completion because the request of yourself is not pure and is invested in the perception of the egos lies that you are something other than love.
- 6.3
- Remembering who you are as God means living as God, not intellectualizing how life should be. There is a purification process that must occur on every level of your being. If your deeds of love do not match your thoughts, there is a discrepancy. Unloving thoughts have consequences to the one who thinks them. If your words and how you treat your physical bodies are not loving, how can you become the full representation of divinity and all it has to offer? Take special care to insure that you embody unconditional love purely. Remember that everyone you speak to is God and every person is you. If you are to be unconditionally loving to yourself, all of your inauthentic thoughts should fall away, since it would become obvious that by continuing this incorrect behavior you would be engaging in the pointless act of lying to yourself.
- 6.4
- Refusing to look at your nightmares is like a child refusing to look under the bed to see what lurks in the darkness. The fear may feel real because that is the lie you have told yourself, but the truth is, the fear has only been created to hide the pain of separation. If the child understood that he was unconditional love, he would have nothing to fear.
- Your nightmares are no different from a small child's. Your fear of looking closely at your illusions is nothing but a story you created for yourself as a guard to stand watch in the avoidance of pain. If you surrender to the truth that your illusion is not real, the pain will not exist and your illusion will be discredited easily. If you do not surrender, the pain and your fear will continue its grievance, as that is what it was created for.
- 6.5
- Anything that you invest in is where you feel your salvation resides. Examine closely what these motivations are and if they lead to true salvation. If true salvation means living in Christ consciousness, are your other motivations aligned with your redemption, or are they invested in the illusions and desires of the ego mind? Salvation resides in peace, and nothing more. Investing in the path of peace is the only answer to redemption.
- 6.6
- Depression and anger come from investing in the ego and feeling deprived. Because you are unconditional love at your core, this is how by following the ego instead of God slowly starves your true essence to death. If you are stubborn and insist that within your egos insanity lays true salvation, your life shall continue in misery and suffering. If you decide to recognize God as your reality, you will be given a life of indescribable bliss and beauty, because His life will be yours.
- 6.7
- If you feel as though there are forces at work against you, examine carefully what you have projected as a creator to cause this to happen. Every thought you have, conscious and non-conscious, impacts and forms the world around you. To penetrate the deeper layers of your being that does not show itself, you must always be in the asking and pull the thoughts that are not love out by their roots, so that they may never grow again inside of your mind. Because you are God, learn full accountability as the creator of your world. Do not fall into the trap of blaming outside forces. The only one here is you; there is no one else. Placing the blame outside of self is not living in truth. Be accountable, heal yourself, and recreate your world into the beautiful oasis it's meant to become.
- 6.8
- One of the mission statements of the ego to keep you invested in its leadership is for you to continue to look for the love that you seek outside of yourself. The ego knows you will never find the love that you truly crave in another person, so it recognizes its position is not in danger. It is impossible to find true satisfaction in loving another individual. The hunger for unconditional love can only be satiated with the self-discovery of the divine
- love within. This is a homing device for you to continue your search until you discover yourself as God. Take the journey into your own heart and live in joy.
- 6.9
- Weakness attacks because it knows it can be overcome. God has no need to attack, as unconditional love is eternal. If you create conflict, you have recognized a weakness within yourself. It is the false belief that attacks are effective that cause you to become vulnerable to assault.
- 7.0
- Until the day comes that you shift your perception into one that is not tainted by your limiting beliefs, all that you learn will be tainted as well. If your perception is not unburdened of all discordance, your ego will see what it wants you to see. Because the ego is illusory, if you're not coming from a place of unconditional love in every moment, you will not see the truth as you are meant to receive it. If you wish to learn something of value to you, do you not wish to seek out a teacher worthy of the value you placed upon your desire? The same can be said about which teacher you choose in discovering who you are in your divinity. Would you not aim to walk as God walks to achieve your goal?
- 7.1
- The miracles that can be achieved with God realization violates every rule the ego has created in order for you to be a part of its world. In this way, it can be seen that the ego creates limiting beliefs. If you could perceive the truth of what can occur in this world, leaving the confining laws of the ego would be made easier, which is why the egos explanations of miracles are not satisfactory.
- 7.2
- Do not fool yourself into believing that you can merge the egos desires with Christ consciousness. The mind will attempt to make the two goals into one, to satisfy the egos cries for attention and to do what your divinity is asking of you. This is to avoid growth and is the egos attempt to preserve its rule over you. Carefully separate the two so that you will not be tricked into mixing truth with illusion, which will only result in confusion.
- 7.3
- When making decisions, you look within for guidance and then you project your decision outward, forming it into action. This mechanism is important to understand because there are two places you look for guidance inside of yourself, which is the ego or your divinity. You are already asking the questions internally for guidance. All you need to do is ask the God within you instead of your ego. Because you cannot serve two masters, and you
- already serve your ego as a slave would, serving divine love instead of the illusion of the ego should come as a welcome relief.
- 7.4
- Because the ego cannot love, as any soulless creation, its end goal is to see your demise. Your ego does not care for you and would just as surely sacrifice you in order to assure its survival. It will allow you to live your entire life just to watch you die, so that it may be satisfied in its contempt for you. In the confusion that is the illusion of the ego, you may be fooled into thinking that it is you who hates yourself and wishes your demise. You are unconditional love, therefore this is merely a presentation of illusion. Because God does not deny His children anything, what you create, you shall receive. There is nothing to save you from when making the choice of self-hate and condemnation, other than yourself. You must, as God, become accountable and decide to save yourself so the help will come. Just as guilt binds you to the egos voice, the unraveling of guilt is the teaching of divine love. Do not allow guilt to be the factor that keeps you tethered to insanity.
- 7.5
- There is a belief within you that happiness and freedom will imprison you. If you did not feel this way, then you would not feel fear when dismantling the egos dishonesty. In this way it becomes apparent that you are protecting yourself from a false belief. This trepidation exists in the egos campaign for self-preservation and nothing more. Remember that fear is a creation of the ego to keep you imprisoned so it may continue to rule over your existence, and does not hold a place in the threshold of reality.
- 7.6
- Fears function is to protect you from love. Love is the most frightening thing out of all of creation to you because it is the only true power of the universe. Because Love is who you are in your purest form, it is the only thing you truly want. The pain comes from the separation you feel from Love, which is what fear protects you from. There is a false belief that you will never experience this Love, so you stay away out of the fear that the mere spark of hope for this Love will destroy you. This belief comes from the egos desire for separation. The pain and somaesthesia of your separation is so great that you would destroy yourself before facing its pain, but it is what you must do if you are to receive what you desire the most.
- 7.7
- It is far easier to accept an illusion of your own making than to accept the only reality in the universe. Living with a mind that jumps between choosing love and one that also chooses the ego will lead to fear, depression, confusion, anxiety and anger. God speaks to you while you are preoccupied with your illusion, but because illusion is all that you see, His voice falls upon deaf ears. This is when you feel very much alone as if God has forsaken you. This could never be possible as you are God, and you have been here the
- whole time. Discover the love that is inside of you by beginning the journey of falling in love with yourself. Falling in love with yourself is like falling in love with the whole world, and is a sure pathway to realizing yourself as God.
- 7.8
- In order for you to obtain true perception, all inauthentic qualities must be erased. You can no longer notice the errors in your brothers and sisters; you must only see the God within them and who they are within this moment. Judgments do not leave room for growth or change for yourself or others, as the illusion of judgment blinds true reality.
- 7.9
- Taking memories from the past to allow judgment to occur in the present will only act as a request for your ego to be in control. When walking as unconditional love, judgment does not exist, as it is a creation of the ego. The purpose of judgment is a protection from fear and the unhealed pain of lowered self worth. Judgment is an attack, and attack is a cry for love and healing. If you are living in the past with your judgments, you are unable to see the present and the reality of the world around you. You must come from the place of unconditional love to see the truth. Fear not that this will create ignorance in your perception of reality. There is only one true reality, and that is one that comes from the place of unconditional love. It is your judgments that create the dishonesty and the illusion in what you perceive.
- 8.0
- The past does not exist. The reason for this is because your ego creation is an illusion and your memory of the past is remembered through your illusion. If you are not looking through the eyes of unconditional love, you are not seeing reality. Illusions are like clouds of dust in front of the horizon. If you choose to kick up dust and live in a sand storm, you will not be able to see what direction you are going to find your way out. Use God as your compass and allow Him to bring you into the light. The reflections of yourself and your pain that can be seen in your brothers should be used as a way to heal your past. Because the past is not real, the pain created from your past must not be real as well.
- 8.1
- You sit within the very heart of God, therefore within you is all knowledge. Accessing this knowledge requires purification of every level of your being in order to see it clearly. All aspects of creation, although they appear different, are all one aspect. Just as together we are all one, we are all God, the rest of creation is also a part of you, as you are one with all of your surroundings. It is all the same. You are connected and one with everything. It is all creation; therefore it is all you as you are one with Creation itself.
- 8.2
- You cannot give away your soul because your soul is God and does not belong to you. It is your ego that wishes for you to believe that this is possible.
- 8.3
- The ego forbids any action that may lead you to God. Those who follow opposing actions leading away from God, feel guilty. This is when the ego will demand further punishment by creating condemnation, so that you will not feel worthy of Gods love, fooling you with dishonesty and confusing you from your true nature. The ego does not want you to remember who you are. The reward the ego offers for keeping faith in its leadership is pain, and leads you to believe that this is the truth of your existence. God offers only love because that's all He is.
- 8.4
- If you were to look at your entire past through the eyes of unconditional love, your entire history would change. Your past does not exist and has no rightful place in the present. This is part of what is meant when it is said that you are living in illusion.
- 8.5
- Your ego does not want you to look at your pain. It tricks you into looking the other way and to believe in illusion so that it may keep you as its prisoner. Then, you see the same pain you have within yourself in the people around you, not because they have your pain, but because they are a reflection of you, and they are merely showing you what you feel about yourself. Once your pain is healed, you begin to see people for who they really are instead of through your illusion.
- 8.6
- Because the ego has personified insanity, it is clear why it cannot function properly. Relationships will never be complete, nor can they survive in a healthy manner on the fear and guilt that the ego uses to keep control. The mind is not the source of your pain. Pain is a function that belongs to the ego. All relationships become distorted with inauthentic qualities and emotions. Your union with another will only be made real by removing all pain.
- 8.7
- It is by knowing that we are not our past that we can be reborn in each moment. In this very moment, you can recreate yourself as unconditional love. To do so, you must surrender to your devotion completely, and without resistance. Purification needs to occur in your mind, body, thoughts, words and the deeds you offer to the world. When you surrender to Love, it surrenders to you. If you bow down to the world, you will find the
- world laid at your feet. If you serve only God, you will find that God becomes your servant, and that God does not deny His children anything.
- 8.8
- Guilt does not serve a greater purpose; it only serves the egos desire for suffering. If you justify guilt, you will never find wholeness. If you choose to suffer with guilt, you will pass on the suffering to others. Guilt has no positive usefulness. Understand that guilt only increases your separation with the divine and is a methodical tool for destroying self worth. You live within the heart of God, and guilt does not reside there.
- 8.9
- There is only one way to love and that is how God loves. Everything else you think is love is an illusion. Once you discover this, you will understand what real love is. If you do not feel blessed, then as God you cannot bless, which is impossible. This is why you must remember how blessed you are, so that you may pass your blessings onto others. The more you bless all that you see, the more you are blessing yourself and your life.
- 9.0
- Do not underestimate the egos diabolical nature or what it can accomplish with its lunacy. Its only power over your mind is what you allow it to have. This power can be taken away, as you are its creator. It is difficult to see that the stories the ego has created don't hold true meaning due its sheer delusional complexity. God merely sees the structure for what it is and invests in who you are as His child.
- 9.1
- Making decisions based on the egos leadership will always result in a certain level of pain or destruction. Beware not to judge the self worth of your divinity, for in doing so results in arrogance towards God. Learn forgiveness and you will bypass guilt. Forgiving yourself and others should become your main focus, as this is the sacred tool of your healing. You must heal in order to remember yourself as God. Having your decisions being lead by your divinity will make your life very simple and gentle. Offer all decisions to God and the answers will arrive immediately in an uncomplicated fashion. For those exhausted from making painful decisions, this will provide you with the relief you always knew should be available, because it always has been.
- 9.2
- Humbleness is the great equalizer when utilized correctly. To be humble is not the same as making yourself smaller than others. That comes from a belief of unworthiness and arrogance, which is not God consciousness. Instead, to be humble is to recognize that the greatness within you is your divinity, which is also within everyone else, which you are
- but a servant to. It is not the egos place to assume the role of God. Beware of the egos desire and inclination to take power of its own.
- 9.3
- Its important to understand that there is nothing hidden behind your fear, there is only the pain your ego has placed in fear to stop you from growth, and your union with the divine. There isn't anything that the ego has created that holds a place in the reality of the world you are meant to be living in. To give credibility to fear is choosing illusion over God.
- 9.4
- You are not broken. You are perfect exactly as you are in this moment. If you are suffering or confused it is only your ego and the choice you made to allow its rule over you. This choice is free will, and as God, you allow this relationship to cause you to suffer. Everything that occurs because of that choice is a product of perfection, showing you exactly where your creation lies as a result of your actions. Purification does not make you holy, it only uncovers the holiness that was always there. Underneath all of the inauthenticity, you have always been God.
- 9.5
- There is a knowledge that occurs as your perception becomes a purified consciousness. Because the viewpoint of unconditional love allows you to see with clarity, it is a knowledge that can only happen with purification. If you become an empty vessel, free of all that is not Love, God can then fill your emptied vessel with divine knowledge. If your vessel is already filled with other things, you cannot experience all that God has to offer you.
- 9.6
- Do not fall into the belief that without your ego you are weak. True strength comes from vulnerability, and frailty only comes from when you deny God. By remembering your divinity, you are merging with the divine and only strength lies there. Without God, your life is an illusion. Any belief telling you otherwise is only the ego arguing with itself.
- 9.7
- You cannot conquer the issues troubling you with negative emotions. Fighting anger with anger only breeds more anger, and love with forgiveness is the water to angers fire. The only way to clear disparaging issues is by becoming a champion of Love. Because you are choosing love in every circumstance, this form of healing is not confusing. It is far easier then the egos responses to dealing with any given situation, which is a plethora of
- negativity and suffering. The root of what the ego teaches is pain, and every form of pain imaginable is born from its leadership.
- 9.8
- Could you imagine the tremendous healing you could offer the world by living in partnership with God? Merging together in unity has already occurred; all you need to do is remember. You have always been one with the divine. Remembering means choosing to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and living life as Love. God is waiting for you to claim it so that you may live on this earth in bliss, happiness and peace. So, why not claim it now? God is ready for you in this very moment. There is no pain with surrender. Surrender to God now and walk as Love, for when you do, you leave all past reflections behind as you enter the light.
- 9.9
- Because you are God, you are eternal, which means timelessness exists in your life as a divine being. This is where limitation is removed and miracles become possible. When all of the limiting beliefs are taken away, you will find that you become limitless. By allowing your purity to reach its full potential and serving the world in Love, everything becomes possible. There is no truth in making yourself insignificant. Become the shining beckon that you are, so that it may open the minds of others and they can do the same. This is how to serve the world. We are all one. What we do for one, we do for all. Serve God, love yourself and live in peace.
- 10.0
- You are not who your ego claims you to be. Your ego wishes you to feel as if you are the opposite of who you really are. Within the illusion hides the fraudulent conclusion that you are insignificant, which is what fuels the root of your fear. Your fear of insignificance cannot be real, because fear and unconditional love cannot coexist. You cannot be worthless as God. You and your divinity are one, and it is not possible to separate who you are. There is no benefit to believing in the illusion of separateness; it only supports the egos attempts at control over your allegiance.
- 10.1
- The challenges you face are designed to teach you how to become greater love, and each opportunity must be taken. Each life lesson has the capability to help recreate yourself as greater love in every moment. It is impossible to hide your inauthentic qualities. You may feel you are successfully hiding them from others, but in truth you are only attempting to hide these qualities from yourself. There isn't anyone to hide from, you are the only one here, and everyone is a reflection of you. God has no secrets; your divinity gives everything openly and freely.
- 10.2
- Do not allow pride, shame or fear to interfere with healing the qualities you are trying to hide inside. You are completely accepted, loved, and forgiven regardless of the choices and transgressions you've performed in this lifetime. Love and forgive yourself, offering yourself your own redemption, as God. Judging others will only outwardly display your feelings of judgments about yourself. Judging yourself affects your self worth, giving you an impaired ability to love others the way you were meant to. You cannot love others without loving yourself first. It is the journey to self-love that will lead you to God.
- 10.3
- You are not your past. What you are now is what is legitimate. The ego lives in time but your divinity exists in timelessness and is not bound by the same rules of conduct. The ego plays at being God, believing in the fallacy of an immortality that only belongs to your divinity, and believes that it will continue to live even after your body dies. The ego does die, but you as God are immortal.
- 10.4
- The reason the concept of hell is so easily identifiable is because that is the world of the ego. Therefore, it can also be identified that choosing to follow the voice of your divinity is the way to experience heaven. The only hell that exists is what you needlessly put yourself through on earth. Heaven is meant to be here, and is available to experience as long as you choose to do so freely. Hell exists only within the illusion and can be dispelled with your devotion and faith. Underneath the illusion you will find the truth to your existence. This is where you will find the heaven you've always dreamed of.
- 10.5
- You cannot give your power away to another person. You are God in every moment, regardless of condition or circumstance. The idea that you could give your power to someone else suggests the impossibility that you lose your divinity depending on the situation you are in. It does not matter if you are a leader or a follower, you are always God in every moment, and your power stays with you. Becoming small does not serve you; it only shows you the value you have chosen to place upon yourself. This value does not come from an outside source; it is one that you have chosen to believe. There is no truth in shrinking down to serve a situation or a person. To radiate love with humility is to serve the world. This feeds the lives of others and allows them to do the same. If you accept smallness, you are denying the power of God within you, and are creating a way to continue to believe your illusion of separation.
- 10.6
- There is no need to reach for your divinity when it is already there. You only need to recognize and accept who you truly are. There is nothing more you need to do. Your self-
- realization is available in this very moment, as it always has been. Do not be fooled into believing that you must accomplish a great number of tasks before you are worthy of knowing yourself as God. To feel that way suggests an underlying arrogance in what you believe remembering God means. The truth is, your importance is the same as everyone else's, because everyone is God. You do not need to accomplish anything more to be who you already are at the core of your being. You only need to remove the layers that aren't love to see it. Begin by surrendering to unconditional love in this moment, and embody all that it stands for. In time, the memory of your consciousness as God will return to you.
- 10.7
- If you're finding that your progress is slow, it is because you wish it to be. You are exactly where you want to be in every respect. If you are struggling, there is a part of you that believes that is what you deserve. You have the ability to achieve all that you desire, as long as you desire it completely. Be in the asking and weed out the energy that is encumbering your progress. Because fear in itself is not synonymous with danger, there is nothing to be afraid of. Fear only appears frightening. It is only an illusion.
- 10.8
- As long as you are holding onto the need for harboring private thoughts, your moment of realization will be kept at bay. There is not a single thought that you should not want to share with God, regardless of its nature. It is this action of hiding that causes you to desire separation from God and shows you that there is still fear within you that is asking to be healed. In order to communicate with your divinity, you must accept the process of healthy communication. If you are hiding from communicating with yourself, your communication with God will be dysfunctional. Remembering your divinity does not mean that every thought that you have must be pure and perfect. It does mean that any attachments you have must be released within your mind.
- 10.9
- Everything that you own, owns you. If you move through your life without feeling attached to the need for control, you will no longer feel controlled. It’s important to recognize the impossibility of owning anything in this world. There is not a single thing you can take with you in your immortality, other than your consciousness.
- 11.0
- Your ego mind intentionally shuts down thoughts that would lead you to God, as it knows that you prefer not to face pain. The ego uses pain to block you from God in this way, as pain is a natural repellant due to love being the core of your being. It is in the egos best interest to keep you within its illusion so that it may continue to have its rule over you. The ego does not love; it only has pain to offer. You must face the illusion of pain and conquer it within yourself so that you can walk with God without illusion. With complete
- abdication, you will gain the ability to feel peaceful, in all conditions. Whenever you feel pain, you are choosing to do so.
- 11.1
- Surrendering is an open doorway in your heart that allows God to enter your vision. If you remain attached to the illusion in this world, your focus is on the illusion and not God. Removing your need to be attached to illusion by taking away its importance will automatically bring your focus to the only thing that's real. You can choose how graceful or painful your healing will be, in any moment. Choose to walk as unconditional love, and pain will immediately be dispelled.
- 11.2
- Surrendering to your higher self requires an absolute willingness to let go of all of your attachments. As you are one with everything, there isn’t anything you can truly own. Therefore, attachment is illogical and only creates the illusion of separation of who you truly are. The need to hang on to anything that does not belong to you is a call for healing of insecurity and pain. Whatever you believe you own, owns you. When you release your attachments, you become unshackled. With your obedient surrender comes divine clarity, as there will no longer be obstacles in the way of truth. As you unclutter your mind and surroundings, you allow the space and clarity within yourself for your divinity.
- 11.3
- There is no benefit to arrogance. Your attempts to impress others are really only attempts to impress yourself. This is because you are God and the only one here. You're equal to all others around you, this is a fact that opinion or judgment cannot alter. Everyone is here is God and are equally important. Arrogance is just another way to show yourself and everyone else that you have pain and insecurity that has yet to be healed. The use of arrogance is a tool for blocking self-love. Forgive yourself and embody humility.
- 11.4
- Do not be afraid that no longer choosing to have the ego control your actions will result in pandemonium. The habitual use of your ego and the hesitation of letting go of allowing it's control, suggests an illusion of comfort due to familiarity. This shows that the human condition prefers to choose pain over love, because pain is what it's been taught in its lifetime, not because it's actually more comfortable. When you hang onto pain tightly and shut your eyes, it is difficult to see the world for what it is. Open your eyes and let go, so you may begin your journey in remembering that you came here to experience peace all along, and truly enjoy what the world has to offer by becoming Love.
- 11.5
- Unconditional love is to love every person equally, regardless of circumstance or conditions. The action of loving one person more than another is not recognizing that you are the only person on this planet, and that every person is God. You must love all aspects of yourself equally, just as you must love all people equally. This is the way God loves. It is the belief of loving one person more than another that widens the gap of your separation from your true self.
- 11.6
- To separate love and to make one love more exclusive than another is not understanding what unconditional love is. It is all one Love, all of the time, and this truth has no separation. Unconditional love has nothing to do with sexual relations. While it’s true that you can have sex with an individual who you unconditionally love, sex is not love. Feeling the connection of unconditional love with each and every person is seeing everyone’s divinity, and then recognizing it within yourself. It is this action that will aid in the shifting of your consciousness.
- 11.7
- When love is separated into groupings according to the egos discerning viewpoints of which person deserves more love than another, it becomes conditional love, which is not real love at all. This love is based on fear to support its functionality, and results in guilt and suffering. These types of relationships shift their needs constantly according to the pain and agenda of the ego. The importance of self honesty and adjustment is paramount as the desire to be connected and united with the divine love within us is so great, that you allow yourself to believe in the falsehood that conditional love is what you truly desire. This occurs due to choosing the ego as your master and not embodying unconditional love as your guide.
- 11.8
- The ego plays a role in attempting to deceive and to keep you within a relationship that does not serve your divinity, and one that will keep you locked in pain. It serves the ego to do everything within its power to fool you into thinking that there is only self- completion within another person. Real completion only comes from within. Because there is no one outside of self, it is also important to be honest in regards to accountability. If there is even the smallest measure of wanting the other person to change to ease your discomfort, then this is conditional love. Wishing for another to change for your own comfort suggests the impossibility of reducing you, as God, into victim consciousness. You are the only one here, therefore you are completely accountable for all that occurs within your world.
- 11.9
- If you are being abused, because God is not a doormat, you must discern the situation as love towards yourself, and adjust your world accordingly. Allowing yourself to be abused by another is allowing God to be abused. Develop the practice of living and thinking as the embodiment of unconditional love. When you do this, you are choosing to walk your highest path, which will lead to the true understanding of who you really are, and your divine purpose here on this planet.
- 12.0
- Find the courage within to implement self-growth, and allow your path to self-discovery take you into the depths of your heart. Your full realization of your divinity waits for you there. Self-realization can only be accomplished by the use of your free will. Because it is divine will that wishes you to remember who you are, it is the combination of your divinities unlimited power and your modest yearning that carries you to the ultimate connection to self.
- 12.1
- If you choose to see yourself as weak, it causes people around you to suffer because you would see and project your weakness onto others. Weakness within your divinity does not exist. It is an illusion of your ego to facilitate the implementation of guilt and suffering.
- 12.2
- The love that you're yearning for within another person is actually the love that is already within yourself. This is the ache of the illusion of separation. There is no other love that is real other than the love you share with your divinity. Because you believe in the falsehood that you are separate from God, the desire of finding a person outside of self to fill the void can become unbearable, as there is an understanding on various levels that the relationship you wish to have with yourself as unconditional love is what you long to experience more than anything. This is why egoic love is not satisfying. The ego will always suggest for you to look for the love you seek outside of self, knowing full well that you will never be satisfied. Because the ego does not love, it uses your pursuit of love for personal gain. By loving unconditionally instead, you enter into an arena where you no longer need anything from another person. You are instead free to love without agendas. This is unlike the egos fragmented pursuit of love, which is always full of conditions and guilt, and always leads to suffering.
- 12.3
- The ego convinces you that it uses anger to keep you safe. This is not the case, as anger is only a way of showing yourself that you have a sensitivity that you are trying to protect and is a cry for healing. Anger weakens you, it does not offer you power. By not healing
- the frailty that the anger is protecting, you are allowing the weakness to control your actions.
- 12.4
- Forgiveness is feared because there is a false belief that by forgiving and letting go, the ego will no longer own the control of that situation. The truth is, there is no ownership on the highest planes of existence. You are one with all that is in this world. Therefore, ownership becomes obsolete. You are already everything, so there is no need to own anything. If you hang on to the desire to own situations, objects, or the illusion of the past, all of these things own you. This is because your world is a mirror. If you refuse to release your attachments, these circumstances will refuse to let go of you. You must let go of your need for attachments to liberate yourself from the cycle of ownership. In this way, you will allow abundance into your life by allowing the space within yourself for it to come forth. Do not allow the egos fear to tell you otherwise. Refuse to identify with the need for attachments, so that you may loose yourself from its bindings and free yourself.
- 12.5
- What you hide from within the corners of your mind is where you must travel. If your ego is keeping something hidden, those are the areas that will foster the highest degrees of personal growth. It is your acceptance of your own divinity that will offer others permission to accept theirs. Because you are the only one here, it is up to you to become the catalyst for positive change by allowing your God realization. Your growth will inspire others to grow, and your light will help others to shine. Become the beacon of love you are destined to become, and by doing so, you will light the way for others to follow.
- 12.6
- Because you are one with everything and every one, there is no separateness in your actions. What you give to one, you give to all, including yourself. This is partially what it means to overcome the illusion that you are separate from your divinity.
- 12.7
- Unconditional love does not mean sacrifice. Sacrifice was invented by the ego to cause you to suffer in your pursuit of love. There is no place for the pain of sacrifice within the realm of Gods love. Sacrifice is another way of keeping yourself within the falsehood that love carries the price of pain and suffering, which real love does not. Unconditional love does not harbor any attachments or hidden agendas, it just is. Sacrifice is a creation of your ego, it is not Gods demand. This is because sacrifice comes from pain, and pain is of the ego alone. Therefore, the relevance of the action is an illusion. Holding onto the need to sacrifice yourself automatically causes you to do the same onto others.
- Doing onto others as they would do unto you is an axiom that is unfinished. It should read;
- Do onto others as they would do onto you, as this is what you do onto yourself and God.
- 12.8
- It is your beliefs in your world that shape your reality. If you are to demonstrate limiting beliefs onto another, you will immediately limit your own reality and what you are able to accomplish for yourself. To source your experience to its fullest potential, you must realize and release all agendas and attachments. To wish for everyone's fullest potential to be realized and understood will open the doors for you to realize your own life's purpose.
- 12.9
- Refuse to allow sacrifice to make sense to you, for when you find it acceptable, you are accepting it on behalf of everyone, including God. This is an impossibility and an illusion, as sacrifice is not an aspect of your divinity.
- 13.0
- You are not your body. Your body is an instrument to serve your divinity and is borrowed from God. There is not anything in this world that you own, including your body, or your life. Your life belongs to the highest part of yourself. Your ego, in an attempt to claim ownership of you, has staked its claim on your life and creates the suppression of your remembrance of who you really are, which you ache for in every moment. This is an impossible scenario as your life cannot be bought, sold or owned. The need for ownership comes from the need to hold onto something to fill the void of the illusory absence of love. This is impossible as you are unconditional love at the core of your being.
- The illusion of fear will suggest that giving your life to your divinity is not what you are here to do on this planet, in an effort to stay within the familiar confines of fear. The ego teaches the insanity that familiarity is comfort, regardless of the amount of pain attached.
- 13.1
- With the surrendering of your life to unconditional love comes great peace and knowledge, and the fulfillment of completion. You will only experience completion with the forgotten memory of who you are as a divine being. Because this is who you really are, any effort to convince yourself otherwise will only force yourself deeper into the illusion and increase your suffering, and will not change the ultimate truth, regardless of how many falsehoods your ego provides to support its claims. You will not find peace with your denial. The truth does not change with each new perception that you carry. It stays the same, patiently waiting for you to take the peace that it is offering you, which goes far beyond what your imagination can conjure, or what the pain of your ego could ever allow.
- 13.2
- By seeking fulfillment outside of self, you are condemning yourself to a relationship where suffering is shared, as opposed to being completely fulfilled and offering only the purity of love to another, without attachments or agendas. Fulfillment outside of self does not exist, it can only come from within. By seeking fulfillment outside of self you are condemning yourself to suffering and separation from the love that you truly desire. The relation of one ego mind to another only lends itself to guilt, pain and insanity. It is the embodiment of unconditional love that allows the end of suffering in companionship, and within your heart.
- 13.3
- There is a great peace in comforting another, due to the effect of simultaneously receiving the comfort that you offer. This effect is your own love being reflected back to you. As you heal others, you are immediately healed. This is what is meant by you being the only one here, and all in this world is only a reflection of you. If you are receiving anything other than love and happiness, it is because you wish it to be so on some level of your being. You can be the only one to punish yourself, there is no one else. If you wish for happiness, you must only see happiness in all that surrounds you, for whatever you perceive in your life is what becomes your reality. Your lack of self worth never came from outside of self, it is a falsehood that you have allowed yourself to believe. Because you are love, the illusion of self-depreciation is egoic bondage.
- 13.4
- When you allow your ego to harbor secrets, you are allowing your illusion to continue. God’s nature has no need for secrets, as hiding secrets is a cry for healing and is a clear indication of fear. By allowing this fear to continue inside of you, you do not allow the space for God to fill you with His divine love and grace. You are instead choosing denial, which is how you deny your own access to your divinity. By offering your secrets to God, you allow His love to heal your pain, so that you may discover freedom within yourself.
- 13.5
- The concept of extending a devoted saintliness to all that surrounds you may feel as though it is an impossible task. The truth is, the task is a simple one, much simpler than the complexity of the egos monkey mind. There is but one focus that will extend to all aspects of your existence, and that is to always be in the asking of what unconditional love wishes you to do. Retraining your mind to ask love what your actions should be instead of asking your ego is the pivotal process that will change the shape of your world. This is the true natural process. What you have done to hurt your mind with the diabolical nature of the ego is what is unnatural.
- 13.6
- There is no need to understand the process of self-realization in order to accomplish it. Your understanding exists within yourself with our without knowing all of its structure. It is best to understand only what you need to know, so you may leave as much clarity and space within yourself as possible. That way, your memory of your unity with the divine can merge within you, unencumbered. Do not allow arrogance of who you feel you are to stand in the way of you remembering who you truly are, as there will be a discrepancy. Relieve yourself of the attachment of your need to know, and discontinue its ownership of you. While it may be true that remembering your divine self is in part realizing you've been living in illusion for a long time, it is to be celebrated instead of feared or regretted, as your realization is the end of denying your true self, and the beginning of your happiness. Walk towards the truth with anticipation and joy by embodying the life you always knew was your destiny. Walk forth as Love and find your freedom.
- 13.7
- When you dream, there is an apparent lapse in judgment and reality that is not noticeable until you awaken and recall what you dreamt about. The same can be said in regards to the shifting of your perception to living as love from living in your ego. While you are living in the illusion it can be nearly impossible to see how distorted the illusions and insanity is, until your perception becomes one with purity and wholeness.
- 13.8
- Embodying wholeness is the removing of distortion so that you may experience clarity. It is the distortion that clouds reality and traps you within the illusion of a dream. It is dreaming while you sleep that allows the window to see how your life is also like a dream, one that you can come out of to see the real world that's actually happening simultaneously, just as you may do when waking up from a disturbing sleep.
- 13.9
- Have you dreamt of terror while you sleep? These dreams become a eulogy to the pain and suffering endured as a replication of your waking world. Dream terrors make little logical sense and contain strange, insane details that are a collection of psychological odds and ends which becomes a perfect mirror of how you appear in the purity of your divinity while you are awake and living in your egos illusion. Your egos insane behavior is not judged, but merely recognized for what it is.
- 14.0
- When you dream, the world you create feels completely real, other than moments of recognition that you are functioning within a dream. Even then, the desire to continue
- dreaming still has its pull, due to the comfort of illusion. The same can be said of living in the illusion of the ego. Regardless of the pain it causes, there's familiarity in the illusion that creates the guise of comfort, even when discomfort is prominent. While living in the ego, one must use faith and devotion to move forward toward the goal of living as love, understanding that it will be the end of suffering, and the beginning of true happiness and liberation, even while the idea of living without suffering can seem like a fairy tale. You must do so despite the pull of continuing to dream the egos illusion.
- 14.1
- An addiction to pain can easily be formed due to deep levels of insecurity and low self worth if one develops the idea that they deserve to suffer, and can create a monkey mind effect of keeping you locked within the illusion of your ego creation. Heal yourself, and remember that there is no self-deprecation in your life as God, there's only love. As long as there is value in hanging onto your illusion, you will continue to favor the illusion over reality.
- 14.2
- Your dreams and your ego are similar in their illusion, they just contain a different structure. Your dreams were designed to reflect the obvious illusion of the ego with its insane logic and metaphoric explanations. In this teaching, it is easily illustrated how obvious the egos illusion is in the face of purity. God teaches you the impurity of the ego through your dreams within these representations and gives you opportunities in this way to become greater love. Do not make the mistake to pass off your dreams as a nonsensical anomaly, or you will be missing a divine gift intended to aid in your growth to help you remember who you really are.
- 14.3
- The illusions that you've created to cover your divinity can only be placed on top of who you are, it can never destroy or alter it in any way. It is always there, regardless of belief, recognition, denial or faith. It makes no difference what you've done in this life to cover up your light, how many evils you've committed, or the shame of your past deeds that you carry with you, it all gets piled on top of your divinity, never changing and always remaining exactly the same. It is how clearly you recognize and remember who you are that will allow your divinity to envelop your world. Everything is forgivable and redeemable. You are God regardless of anything that you have done in this lifetime. In order to experience the partnership of your divinity the way you are meant to, you must purify.
- 14.4
- It has been the permutation within the integrity of purity that has caused you to feel fragmented and isolated. Your divinity rests within and waits with infinite patience.
- Within the confusion of clandestine thoughts lies a knowingness of underlying peace and stillness. Ultimately, if it is peace that you crave, then why does the choice of what you embody continue to be insanity? These permutations are meaningless and carry no substantiality in truth. Become one with all that surrounds you and become the peace that you desire within.
- 14.4a
- This can happen in this very instant, if you choose to do so with all of your being. There is nothing left that you need to do. Only accept who you truly are and embody love now. Your divinity is waiting for you.
- 14.5
- As your divinity has never left your side on this path that you've chosen in this lifetime, it would only take a moment for you to recognize that you have never walked alone. If you understood the magnitude of who walked with you and loved you unconditionally through each moment of your existence, you would never allow yourself to feel fear again or stray from your path of remembering yourself as God. You may wonder what right you have to be loved, when you have believed for so long that you are unworthy. The truth is, all you are is love and loving everything and everyone is your primary function. It does not serve you to believe that love is meant for everyone else but you. There isn't anyone else here but you. The hope of the universe rests upon your willingness and courage to love yourself with all of your being. Loving yourself will immediately pour outward onto all of creation and will serve the world in ways that will reach the vast corners of the universe, moving far beyond what mere words can conjure.
- 14.6
- As you come closer to the roots of your fears and the cleansing of your emotional body, there will be a natural reaction to flee or to rebel as you imagine the need to combat the pretend adversary that challenges what you believe is your safety. These are all triggers strategically placed by the ego to ward you from straying from its control. The illusion here is the sense of emergency that your ego creates. There is nothing behind your fear as the only purpose for the fear is to stop you from healing.
- 14.7
- Healing alone does not need to be painful, it is only the egos creation that holds that belief. Understand that it is the hidden pockets of unrecognized fear that will create the dichotomy of pulling you in different directions. When you experience a dichotomy, there exists at least one contradiction. Gods will cannot contradict itself coming from two sources.
- 14.8
- It is not enough to have good intentions with how you maneuver in this world. You must change the perception of where these good intentions come from. If you believe your intentions are good, yet you come from a place that is not pure, your best intentions will create pain. If you truly wish to come from a place of good intentions, you must source the only place that good will come from. Good intentions aren't truly good unless you are coming from a place of purity. The smallest degrees of impurity can be seen and register within the universe, so do not fool yourself into thinking that they don't matter. It is also important to remember that coming from the distorted egos perception of what love is will still lead you to a place of suffering as the egos idea of love, is not love at all. The egos love is based and created from the pain of separation and is not sourced from divine purity. You will never achieve happiness by sourcing decisions from the place of the egos idea of love. You must instead love as God would, as God’s love is unconditional.
- 14.9
- Because of the fear that permeates your being is an intentional repellant placed by your ego to discourage you from growth, it is possible to develop the false belief that love is the source of pain. Love is the healer of pain and all of suffering. It is the egos illusion of searching for love outside of self that causes misery, and does not hold a place in the reality of unconditional love. Where it may be true that searching for love the way you have tried previously created suffering within the ego, it is the remembering and implementing of divine love that creates happiness without pain. At this juncture, you must shift your perception into one that allows a refining of the true meaning of what love is, by understanding that your previous understanding of love was incorrect.
- 15.0
- Divine love is not the egos distorted view of what it believes to be love. The ego cannot love, so defining the meaning of love through the ego is not logical. The only way to understand true love is by living as love in every moment, on every level of your being, with no discrepancy from thoughts to words to deeds. Having the courage to redefine love for yourself will give permission for and allow an extraordinary love into your life, in ways you never dreamed possible.
- 15.1
- The need for retribution only exists while you are still attempting to discern the difference between what is real and what is the egos illusion. When the moment arrives for the veil to be lifted, it is not one that can be forced by your hand. That is a function that is left up to your divinity alone and should be offered to God freely, without attachment. It is your lilliputian will and Gods ultimate will in unison that will deliver you into retribution. It is the landmark of self-realization that will allow many others to follow. By freeing yourself, you will free the world around you and serve your highest purpose.
- 15.2
- Self-realization is not the end of your learning, as you can always realize yourself as greater love. It is only a level of your journey, as you continue to reach deeper levels of understanding of who you are as a divine being. Self-realization is not a destination, it is a landmark.
- 15.3
- Illness is one of the tools of self-deception. One purpose for this tool is to hide reality and to keep you from living in unity with your divinity. Because pain and suffering keeps you in the ego, it is a defense against the truth about you as God. It can also be viewed as isolation as you alone will suffer, and others will not feel your pain the way you do. It gives the ego power to make the separation from your divinity real. When you heal yourself, you heal the world because giving and receiving are the same circular action and creation knows no opposite.
- 15.4
- You must go past only intellectualizing the concept of unity into the experience of it first hand. To free the world with love, you must first believe unconditional love is possible and love yourself, so that you may offer it to others. It is with this understanding that you may find the unhealed pain inside of you, so that you may discover wholeness. You must heal yourself to find your freedom and to free others. Until you do, you will continue to see the world in the illusion of your own making, shaped by the pain and suffering of your unhealed emotional body.
- 15.5
- Because you are connected to everything, you must understand that there is no limit to what you can experience once you decide to no longer believe in the illusion of separation. It is only your limiting beliefs that cause you to stay within certain parameters and is an invention of illusion, not of your divinity. Greatness comes from the openness and acceptance of desire and it's possibilities, not by believing that what you desire is not possible. By believing that you have limits of what you can accomplish is believing in the impossibility that God has limits. When you have limiting beliefs towards yourself, you will immediately push the same limiting beliefs onto others, which does not serve the world. There is no limit to what you as God can do, and is blasphemous to suggest otherwise. Allow yourself the freedom to accomplish whatever you would like to in this lifetime as long as it harms no one, and immediately give others permission to do the same. In this way, you have the opportunity to free the world around you, while simultaneously freeing yourself.
- 15.6
- To surrender yourself to the understanding that you need not do anything but serve unconditional love, is to allow the process of devotion to aid you in reaching your sacred path. In this way, you understand that by stepping aside and relinquishing control, you are allowing God to do His work through you. God cannot use you as a sacred vessel if you are continuing to pursue your own agendas based on fear and pain. Because God is only love, embodying love is what you must aspire to so that you may both work in unison to forge your highest path of consciousness. God is the creator of your dreams and desires, which are only an inkling of what will be offered to you in remembrance of your unity with God. By choosing your highest path, you are not choosing for your dreams to end, you are choosing for them to finally begin.
- 15.7
- It is your beliefs in your world that shape your reality. If you are to demonstrate limiting beliefs onto another, you will immediately limit your own reality and what you are able to accomplish for yourself. To source your experience to its fullest potential, you must realize and release all agendas and attachments. To wish for everyone's fullest potential to be realized, will open the doors for you to understand your own life's purpose.
- 15.8
- The limitless power of your divinity is omnipresent, patiently waiting for your direction, as long as you use it in alignment with Christ consciousness. Few understand that is by misusing thoughts, feelings and desires is what has created suffering and chaos in your lives. All of this can change within a very short period of time if the will to do so remains consistent. As it is possible for the outer shell of your physical body to renew itself within a few months, as popular science has proven, then can it also be recognized that perfect functionality of your mind can be restored in a similar fashion, which in its natural way becomes a repellant for disharmony.
- 15.9
- As you reach within towards your highest self, remember that God will never criticize or condemn, that has always been a creation of ego alone. The only purpose of guilt is suffering, and is not Christ consciousness. If you find that a mistake has been made, immediately forgive yourself as blame is always pointed inward. As you continue to unconditionally love yourself, eventually forgiveness will no longer need to occur, as you never would have condemned to begin with. It is only with self-analysis and healing that you will be able to hold onto the higher consciousness that is waiting to be claimed within you.
- 16.0
- Divine energy flows through you to create your world, regardless of your recognition of its presence. If your belief rests within a world of discord and discontent, the energy will create that structure for you to live within. Is only by embodying the vessel of what your divine energy was meant to thrive in that you will discover your true potential, as divine energy is pure and its strength lies within it's purity. By diluting the power with inauthentic qualities is how it's strength becomes hidden.
- 16.1
- It is a common to experience anger, rebellion, complacency and a myriad of other self- defacing expressions when going through the process of self-correction. The harmful element to this process is becoming critical or angry towards yourself and God. By removing this expression and replacing it with the understanding that your realization of your self-limiting qualities is a gift, your progress will move forward as its meant to. It is only by realizing these inauthentic qualities that you will be given an opportunity to free yourself from them forever. If you take the attitude of joy, with the understanding that your freedom comes closer with every new issue you discover and heal, your growth will become graceful and your path will be a much simpler one to travel. It is the action of self-correction that is your freedom from the infrastructure of illusion, and is not a step that can be overlooked or avoided.
- 16.2
- If you are feeling tired, why not suggest to yourself that you require more energy? You can do so by simply stating "I AM the perfect amount of energy running through my body right now, filling me with strength and clarity." Allow the divine energy inside of you to do the work it is made to do, by giving it the direction it longs for. It is important that this mantra does not conflict with opposing thoughts, as that will only create confusion for the energies function.
- 16.3
- This divine power is to be given direction with the foundation of purity, and when utilized correctly, it will produce dramatic results. The purity must come from all levels of your being, words, thoughts, and actions, as well as your physicality in regards to your intake of healthy foods and proper exercise. Your environment must be clean and healthy as that is a reflection of your inner self, is an act of self-love and is imperative to your overall wellness. Your mind and it's sponge like qualities will reflect back what you feed it, so if you are indulging in activities that are not in alignment with love, your ability to produce love purely will become tainted.
- 16.4
- Purifying all levels of your being affect the ability to utilize divine energy to your advantage. If you do not purify, there will be too many obstacles standing in the way for the energy to be able to flow the way it is meant to, and will become tainted and less potent due to your illusory beliefs.
- 16.5
- You are the only authority in your world, in your unity with God. The perfecting of your world is your right and you have full power to do so. Be fearless and harm no one.
E-Book One

E-Book One